Go Local 2016 card artwork released, independent businesses encouraged to join movement

Go Local card artwork by Jenny Greer Fares of Sound Mind Creative

From Asheville Grown Business Alliance

Press release

A Hare, A Tortoise and One Powerful Little Card

Asheville Grown, in partnership with 450 local businesses, helped raise over $10,000 this year for our public schools and area nonprofits through the 2015 Go Local Card. Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

We’re determined to make 2016 the best year yet.

Jenny Greer Fares of Sound Mind Creative is the artist behind our beautiful new card design. The tortoise and the hare is a common folktale of a race between unequal partners. The slower tortoise wins through ingenuity and determination and overcomes the stronger, overconfident opponent, the hare. Asheville is going through drastic changes and we’re growing fast. Developers are building 6 new hotels downtown and national chain stores are vying for property. What do these changes mean for our locally owned businesses downtown? What does it mean for the other neighborhoods we love?

By acting steadily through smart growth, together we can bring about thoughtful change at a local level. We want to see Asheville keep locally owned businesses at the heart of our economic development strategy. Read our thoughts on the future of downtown Asheville HERE.

If you have a locally owned, independent business and have not signed on in support of the movement this is your chance. Membership is free, all we ask is that you create an offer exclusive for Go Local Card holders. The best offers are clear, simple and encourage loyalty. Sign on by November 1, 2015 to have your business listed in over 40,000 copies of the official 2016 Go Local Guide printed & distributed by the MountainXpress in early December. If you already have a business signed on we’ve made it easy to renew and edit your listing for 2016.

Find out how to join here: http://ashevillegrown.com/membership/

Additionally, you can purchase a 2016 Go Local Card this year. For only $16 you will receive discounts at hundreds of locally owned businesses and $8 will go to support our public schools connecting our youth and education to the health of our local economy. The remainder of your purchase will go to support growing the card each year.

2016 cards go on sale online this November

they are valid for 13 months from Dec. 1, 2015 – Dec. 31, 2016.

cards will also be available at over 20 businesses and at participating public schools

Loving Asheville and going local means supporting independent businesses, artists and farmers who cultivate the unique character, flavors, and culture of our home. Join this movement and together we help build a more equitable economy for all!

About Kat McReynolds
Kat studied entrepreneurship and music business at the University of Miami and earned her MBA at Appalachian State University. Follow me @katmAVL

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