GoTopless Rally returns to Pack Square, Aug. 26

Press release from GoTopless:

The international Rally returns to Pack Square in Asheville on Saturday, August 26, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

The rally is a public gathering of men and women who support a woman’s right to be shirtless any where a man can be bare-chested without fear of being arrested.

“It is legal to be topfree in Asheville and we are here annually to celebrate that freedom,” said LaDonna Allison, coordinator for the rally.

She added, “We certainly don’t expect every woman to exercise her right to be topfree, we just reminding all women that in Asheville, they have that right to be topfree.”

This year GoTopless Day falls precisely on Women’s Equality Day. On August 26,1920, the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote on the basis of Gender Equality. In 1971, a Joint Resolution of Congress designated every August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.

“We are about freedom and equality” said Ms. Allison., a USA based organization founded in 2007, attests that women have the same constitutional rights, that men have to be bare-chested in public.

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