Haywood County Tax Collector’s Office warns of fraudulent tax scam currently circulating in the community

Press release from Haywood County Government:

The Haywood County Tax Collector’s Office is issuing an urgent warning to all residents regarding a fraudulent tax scam currently circulating in the community.

Individuals are receiving letters claiming they owe a substantial tax bill. These letters threaten severe consequences, including asset and property seizure, if payment is not made within a specific timeframe. It is crucial to emphasize that these communications are fraudulent and should be disregarded.

Legitimate Haywood County tax correspondents will have our official logo and contact information. These fraudulent communications do not.

“We want to ensure the safety and security of our community members,” stated Sebastian Cothran, Haywood County Tax Collector. “It’s essential for residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the proper authorities.”

If you receive one of these fraudulent letters, we urge you to discard it promptly. Additionally, for any concerns or inquiries regarding your tax status, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. Our office is located at 215 N Main Street in Waynesville, or you can reach us by phone at (828) 452-6643.

The Haywood County Tax Office is committed to safeguarding the financial well-being of our community and will continue to monitor and address any potential threats to our residents. Together, we can combat these scams and protect our community from financial exploitation.

2024 tax bills will be out this week and the due date for all 2024 bills is Monday, January 6th, 2025.

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