Haywood County TDA announces timeline for 20/21 grant program

Press release from the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority:

The Haywood County Tourism Development Authority (HCTDA) announces the timeline for the 3% and 1% Partnership Funding for the 20/21 budget year.

To be eligible for funding, applicants must attend a mandatory partnership funding workshop on Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. at the TDA Office/Visitor Center located at 1110 Soco Road, Maggie Valley.  RSVP’s are requested to let us know which workshop you will attend as seating is limited. RSVP to: joretta@visitncsmokies.com

Applications for 1% funding must be submitted to the TDA Office by 5 p.m., Friday, March 31. Applications for 3% funding must be in by 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 9.

Haywood County collects a 4% occupancy tax on paid overnight accommodations, levied on lodging customers.  Of that, 3% of the taxes collected go directly to the TDA for the purpose of marketing and enhancing the county as a tourist destination. The remaining 1% is utilized for the zip code area where it was collected. The funds are available for use from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Funds are facilitated through the HCTDA’s partnership funding program.  Haywood County Commissioners have appointed 3 person Subcommittees in each zip code area to review applications and make funding recommendations for the HCTDA board’s final approval.
The purpose of 1-percent zip code funding is to encourage the creation or expansion of programs and special events that showcase the unique character of Haywood County and attract visitors from beyond a 50-mile radius (those more likely to stay overnight).

Partnership funding is available for promotional and tourism related projects and events.  Not-for-profit and for-profit organizations may apply.  For-profit organizations must match the award dollar-for-dollar.

For more information, contact the HCTDA office at: (828) 944-0761.

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