Henderson County Department of Public Health responds to North Carolina Group 3 vaccination timeline

Press release from Henderson County Department of Public Health:

Gov. Roy Cooper announced yesterday (Feb. 10) that he would open Group 3 starting with teachers and childcare workers on Feb. 24 and expand to others in Group 3 on March 10. In the press conference it was implied that school staff/childcare workers would be vaccinated starting on Feb. 24 (rather than waitlisted). It is unclear at this point whether or not there will be a separate allocation to accomplish this. Henderson County Department of Public Health and key partners are working to understand what the impacts may be to current vaccine operations.

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One thought on “Henderson County Department of Public Health responds to North Carolina Group 3 vaccination timeline

  1. Ellen Henry

    I just signed up for the retiree vaccinations. with the health department there are evidently 17,000 ahead of me. I am 72 and have asthma , at this rate it will be fall before I can get a vaccine and Cooper is opening it next week to lever 3?

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