Hendersonville Fire Department names Justin S. Ward new Deputy Fire Chief

Press release from City of Hendersonville:

The City of Hendersonville welcomes a new Deputy Fire Chief who is no stranger to the fire service or the Hendersonville Fire Department. Justin S. Ward, who previously held the position of Fire Marshal of Hendersonville, was promoted to the Deputy Chief position earlier this month.

“Deputy Chief Ward is committed to public safety and serving this community,” said Hendersonville Fire Chief D. James Miller. “He is a great asset to this department and will bring that same level of service and professionalism to this position and to the people of our great City.”

Deputy Chief Ward originally joined the Hendersonville Fire Department as a Part-Time Firefighter in 2007 and brought with him experience working with the NC Forestry Service and Valley Hill Fire Department. In 2008 he became a Full-Time Firefighter and over the years held the ranks of Engineer, Lieutenant, Captain, and has served as the City’s Fire Marshal since 2016.

Deputy Chief Ward holds an Associate of Applied Science degree and Bachelor of Science degree from Blue Ridge Community College and Fayetteville State University, respectively. He serves as a Western Regional Board Member for both the NC Fire Marshal’s Association and the American Red Cross.

As Fire Marshal, Ward helped grow the Hendersonville Fire Department’s Life Safety Division. This division focuses on fire prevention, education, enforcement of the fire code, plans review, safety inspections, and fire investigations. He and his wife, Lacie, have two children, Lane and Caroline.

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