Hendersonville, Laurel Park to consider merging water systems at March 5 special meeting

Press release from the city of Hendersonville: 

The Town of Laurel Park and City of Hendersonville will hold a special called meeting on Friday, March 5, at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the conveyance of the Laurel Park Water System to the City of Hendersonville. The electronic meeting will take place via Zoom and will include both respective governing bodies. The public is invited to watch and listen to the meeting using the Zoom information posted on the Town of Laurel Park and City of Hendersonville websites.  
Throughout the years, the City of Hendersonville and Town of Laurel Park have enjoyed a great professional relationship that prioritizes citizens’ quality of life and provides quality services. In line with those goals, the municipalities began discussing a potential merger of the water systems that would benefit all customers and the utility system. A resolution approving the merger will be considered at the meeting on March 5. 
As a result of merging the systems, existing Laurel Park water customers should expect to pay approximately $120 less per year once they are absorbed into Hendersonville’s water system. The City of Hendersonville has proposed committing over $1M in improvements to the Laurel Park section of the system within the first 24 months of the transfer. The merger of the two water systems will also provide increased and more reliable water pressure to specific areas of the Hendersonville water system.  
The physical merger of the two systems is expected to begin in Spring of 2021. 
Visit www.hendersonvillenc.gov or www.laurelpark.org for more information on how to view the March 5 Special Called Meeting. 
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