Historic Johnson Farm hosts annual Speaker Series

Press release:

Historic Johnson Farm kicked off its 2016 Lunch N Learn speaker series on February 25th and has 3 more speakers planned for Thursdays in March, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.. The Lunch N Learn series is an annual event at Johnson Farm that aims to bring community members to the farm to hear lectures from a number of speakers with unique backgrounds and interesting topics. Each event costs $5 to attend and participants are asked to bring their lunch. The farm will provide coffee, desserts and compelling conversation. The proceeds of the series support the many programs at Historic Johnson Farm including field trips, scholarships and community outreach. For those who missed the February event there’s still a chance to see 3 more unique speakers in March.

On March 3 Joyce Cochran will present “A Photographic Tour of Verbania Pallanza, Italy.” Cochran traveled to Italy as part of Hendersonville’s Sister Cities program. Sister Cities International is a program connecting US cities with partners overseas. Almunecar, Spain and Verbania Pallanza, Italy are Hendersonville’s Sister Cities with Verbania Pallanza, Italy being added to the program just last year. Cochran describes Verbania Pallanza as a “quaint, friendly town is nestled at the base of the Alps situated on stunning Lake Maggiore. The lake is dotted with historic islands each graced by imposing castles and glorious gardens.” Participants will take a virtual tour of the town through Cochran’s photography and stories.

On March 10 local calligraphy artist Catherine Langsdorf will present “The Basics of Calligraphy.” Langsdorf has been working as a professional calligrapher since 1990 through her business Long Village Lettering. Langsdorf creates cards, chalkboard designs, wedding invitations, and more through her business. She will share the basic techniques involved in calligraphy including live demonstrations as she works.

On March 17 local artist Phoebe Blackwell will be presenting “A History of Legos.” Blackwell works in many mediums including clay, pen and ink, and acrylics. For this presentation she’ll be sharing her unique talent for Lego art. In her studio, Blackwell boasts a 21 ft long, two-story Legoland connected by a Lego monorail. Her presentation will include a virtual tour of this Legoland and a brief history of Legos. She will also show participants how to make their own Lego play board for home. This presentation is appropriate for adults and children alike.

Those wishing to attend any of the March Lunch N Learn events should RSVP by calling Historic Johnson Farm at 828-891-6585 or by email at jfarm@hcpsnc.org.

About Virginia Daffron
Managing editor, lover of mountains, native of WNC. Follow me @virginiadaffron

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