Press release from City of Asheville – Urban Design & Place Strategies
The City is moving forward with the purchase and installation of a prefabricated public restroom facility to be located in the public space on the College Street side of the Rankin Avenue parking garage. (This is the area where a porta-potty is located now.) The project is being funded using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
There will be a drop-in public meeting on Thursday, August 10, 2023, from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Collider Overlook Lounge (Fourth Floor of the Wells Fargo Building, 1 Haywood Street).
Attendees are invited to provide feedback on conceptual design options for the site that will support a safe, accessible public space and restroom facility in this location.
The consultant team providing design services and facilitating the purchase of the facility will be available, along with City staff who can provide background on the project.
Feedback on conceptual design options at this meeting will inform the final design of the space and siting of the restroom facility. There will be another public meeting in the fall with design plans presented.
You can find more information about the project here.
It’s always been an amazement that a town like Asheville that so, so badly wants to run with the big dogs, but provides no public bathrooms downtown. Another embarrassing fact about the little town.