NCDOT Event to Connect Small Firms with Large Contractors

Press release from N.C. Department of Transportation 

Small, women-owned and minority-owned businesses are invited to Asheville next week to learn how to compete for state transportation contracts.

The N.C. Department of Transportation will be hosting the first of three regional networking events for disadvantaged business enterprises, or DBEs.

“There are endless opportunities for small and disadvantaged businesses to grow their businesses by partnering with prime contractors or directly with NCDOT to help meet North Carolina’s transportation needs,” NCDOT’s Chief Engineer Ronnie Keeter said. “These events are intended to help us engage with an array of potential contractors and subcontractors in one place at one time.”

The event will be held from 1:30-5 p.m., March 9 at the Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive, in Asheville. The event is free.

DBEs and small business enterprises, or SBEs, will have the opportunity to meet with multiple prime contractors and learn how to contract with the NCDOT. NCDOT staff and prime contractors will give presentations on filling workforce gaps, projects on the current 12-month let list and the types of transportation work available to subcontractors. The meeting will also include time for DBEs to network with prime contractors and NCDOT staff.

NCDOT has all sorts of contracting opportunities for big and small businesses, including construction and maintenance of roads, mowing, traffic control, snow removal and litter pickup.

A second regional networking event will be held March 17 at the Hilton North Hills, 3415 Wake Forest Road, in Raleigh. A third event will be held March 23 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Atlantic Beach Oceanfront, 2717 West Fort Macon Road, in Atlantic Beach.

DBE and SBE firms should contact Vivian Sessoms at or 919-707-2412 for questions. People can register for the events on NCDOT’s website. It is free to attend any of the regional networking events.

NCDOT’s chief engineer’s office and the department’s Office of Civil Rights began organizing outreach events last year for disadvantaged and small business enterprises. Visit NCDOT’s web page to learn more about the outreach initiative.

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