Oskar Blues, CAN’d Aid send 50,000 cans of drinking water to assist residents, workers in Flint, MI

Canning process at Oskar Blues Brewery Brevard, North Carolina. Photo courtesy of Oskar Blues Brewery.

Press release:

Oskar Blues Brewery and CAN’d Aid Foundation Deliver 50,000 Cans of Drinking Water to Flint, MI

In immediate response to the recent water crisis in Flint, Michigan, Oskar Blues Brewery and Ball Corporation teamed up with the CAN’d Aid Foundation to quickly can and ship clean drinking water to the residents of Flint. Ball Corp. donated all cans to be filled with water. A shipment of 50,000 cans of fresh, safe water will arrived in Flint on January 12.

Oskar Blues Brewery employees worked to can 50,000 cans of water on Monday, January 11 out of its brewery in Brevard, North Carolina.

In an effort to step up and to provide immediate need to Flint, Oskar Blues and the CAN’d Aid Foundation are working to supply water to families and emergency relief workers in the area.

CAN’d Aid, the do-goodery arm of Oskar Blues Brewery, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that was started by Dale Katechis – soul founder of Oskar Blues Brewery. What started as a response to the 2013 floods in Colorado (where over $700,000 was raised to support small businesses and families in need), has evolved into an irreverent nonprofit that is doin’ good its own way across the United States.

In Flint, Michigan, clean water is in desperate need. All water is being shipped to Genesse County Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, who will work to distribute the cans of water.

Denver, ColoRADo is the Home of Oskar Blues Brewery, Ball Corporation and CAN’d Aid Foundation. The Oskar Blues Brewery in Brevard, NC is a full service brewery and the closest Oskar Blues production facility to the Michigan region.

Canning process at Oskar Blues Brewery Brevard, North Carolina. Photo courtesy of Oskar Blues Brewery.
Arrival of clean water in Flint, Mich. Photo courtesy of Oskar Blues Brewery.

About the CAN’d Aid Foundation
We dig bikes, beer, music, food and family and we’re rallying around what we love to raise money for things that matter. What started as a response to the 2013 floods in Colorado (where over $700,000 was raised to support small businesses and families in need), has evolved into an irreverent nonprofit that is doin’ good its own way across the United States:

  • Towns: Building strong communities
  • Treads + Trails: Get outside and get after it!
  • Tunes: For your eyeholes and earholes
  • Love Yur Mama: Save the blue marble

About Oskar Blues Brewery
Founded by Dale Katechis in 1997 in Lyons, Colorado, Oskar Blues Brewery launched the craft beer-in-a-can apocalypse with hand-canned, flagship brew Dale’s Pale Ale. Today, Oskar Blues is one of the fastest growing breweries in the country and operates breweries in Longmont, Colorado and Brevard, North Carolina while reaching to produce 200,000 barrels in 2015. The original canned craft brewery continues push innovation with creations like The Crowler while it distributes to 45 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., as well as parts of Canada, Sweden, and the U.K.

About Max Hunt
Max Hunt grew up in South (New) Jersey and graduated from Warren Wilson College in 2011. History nerd; art geek; connoisseur of swimming holes, hot peppers, and plaid clothing. Follow me @J_MaxHunt

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One thought on “Oskar Blues, CAN’d Aid send 50,000 cans of drinking water to assist residents, workers in Flint, MI

  1. Please send me a direct link to the canned water. I looked at your site and it seems more geared towards the beer. Just the water please! We want to start selling canned water here in Huntington Wv.

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