Photography exhibition and fundraiser at Pisgah Brewing Co., Feb. 25


The Pisgah Brewing Company in Black Mountain is hosting a new art exhibition by local photographer and fine artist, David Simchock. David will be presenting a mix of his concert and festival photos, along with his local and world-travel imagery. All of the artwork is for sale with a portion of all sales being donated to LEAF Community Arts. The exhibition will hang in the brewery’s tasting room area from late February through April. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, February 25th starting at 5:30pm, followed by a performance by the Mike Rhodes’ Fellowship.

Simchock, who can often been found in the photo pit of many of the area’s concert venues, was the go-to “house photographer” at the Pisgah Brewery for the 2015 outdoor concert events, and he is also a staff photographer for the LEAF organization, shooting their semi-annual festival in Black Mountain since his arrival to the area in 2011. It was an obvious choice for him to utilize the exhibition as a fund-raiser for his favorite local non-profit, LEAF. In 2016 he is set to carry on with his roles at both the brewery and with LEAF, while also expanding his activities outside of the WNC region.

David is as passionate about as live music as he is about his photography, which makes for a perfect marriage between his creative vision and his anticipation of those magic moments that come and go in an instant during live performances. For three years running he has been the recipient of the judges’ top honors in the Independent Music Awards, taking first place for images of Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews, Ozomatli, and Bootsy Collins. He has been a contributor to numerous media outlets, such as the popular Mountain Xpress publication in Asheville, and has also provided his photographic expertise to the Biltmore Estate during last summer’s Concert Series. Simchock also publishes his own music e-magazine / blog called Front Row Focus.

The Pisgah Brewing exhibition will include many of Simchock’s concert and festival photographs ranging from his work at the site and with LEAF, to examples from other events at the Orange Peel and the US Cellular Center (including a few pieces from the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam). To round out the show, David will also display an assortment of his awe-inspiring fine art, from local scenes of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to cultural vistas from around the world.

About Alli Marshall
Alli Marshall has lived in Asheville for more than 20 years and loves live music, visual art, fiction and friendly dogs. She is the winner of the 2016 Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize and the author of the novel "How to Talk to Rockstars," published by Logosophia Books. Follow me @alli_marshall

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