Public urged to report suspected COVID-19 fraud

Press release from the Department of Justice: 

U.S. Attorney Andrew Murray of the District of North Carolina today urged the public to report suspected fraud schemes related to COVID-19 (the Coronavirus) by calling the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) hotline (1-866-720-5721) or to the NCDF e-mail address

In coordination with the Department of Justice, Attorney General William Barr has directed U.S. Attorneys to prioritize the investigation and prosecution of Coronavirus fraud schemes.

“It is utterly despicable that scammers will try to profit from the COVID-19 national crisis, but fraudsters will stop at nothing to make a buck! I strongly encourage everyone to be on heightened alert about potential scams related to COVID-19, and to report the fraud to the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) hotline (1-866-720-5721) or e-mail NCDF at Reporting scams will help us investigate and prosecute wrongdoers, and track scams so we can warn the public about emerging schemes.”

Some examples of these schemes include:

  • Medical providers obtaining patient information for COVID-19 testing and then using that information to fraudulently bill for other tests and procedures.
  • Individuals and businesses selling fake cures for COVID-19 online and engaging in other forms of fraud.
  • Phishing emails from entities posing as the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Malicious websites and apps that appear to share Coronavirus-related information to gain and lock access to your devices until payment is received.
  • Seeking donations fraudulently for illegitimate or non-existent charitable organizations.

In a memorandum to U.S. Attorneys issued March 19, Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen also directed each U.S. Attorney to appoint a Coronavirus Fraud Coordinator to serve as the legal counsel for the federal judicial district on matters relating to the Coronavirus, direct the prosecution of Coronavirus-related crimes, and to conduct outreach and awareness activities.

The Coronavirus Fraud Coordinator for the Western District of North Carolina is Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) Jenny Sugar. AUSA Sugar is an experienced prosecutor, and currently serves as Deputy Chief overseeing the district’s White Collar Fraud Unit.

The NCDF can receive and enter complaints into a centralized system that can be accessed by all U.S. Attorneys, as well as Justice Department litigating and law enforcement components to identify, investigate and prosecute fraud schemes. The NCDF coordinates complaints with 16 additional federal law enforcement agencies, as well as state Attorneys
General and local authorities.

Education is the best way to avoid being defrauded by scammers. To find out more about Department of Justice resources and information, please visit

Here are some helpful tips to avoid COVID-19 scams:

  • Do not purchase items that purport to cure COVID-19. Currently there are no vaccines, pills, drinks, lotions or any other product available on the market that can treat or cure COVID-19.
  • Do not click on links or reply to texts from unknown sources as they may download malware and viruses to computers or devices.
  • Instead of clicking on emails claiming to be from the CDC or WHO, go directly to websites for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( and the World Health Organization ( to obtain information.
  • When it comes to donations, do not let a scammer rush you into making a donation. Instead, take the time to do extensive research online.
  • Do not make a donation in cash, via gift card, or a wire transfer, and do not provide your banking information or debit card numbers.

Stay alert. Protect yourself from scams and report the fraud. Call the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) hotline (1-866-720-5721) or e-mail NCDF at


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