Session to outline local savings pools as pathway to resilience Oct. 21

Press release from Lenoir-Rhyne University:

Join us for the evening for this practical training organized by Co-operate WNC (a regional mutual aid network), Transition Asheville, and Lenoir-Rhyne University.

A community savings pool is a resource-sharing technique whereby a trusted group of 15-25 people pool their individual savings and then collectively loan money to each other for personal needs and goals, community projects, business startups and expansions and so on.

Co-operate WNC has identified savings pools as one of the most powerful strategies to pursue its mission: empowering a regional society of local organizers to grow a mutual aid network of physical community centers that meet human needs and act as organizing hubs for climate resilience.

We’ll play a savings pool game, and briefly discuss other cooperative financial tools and mutual aid practices to improve your community’s life, respond to climate chaos, and grow a regenerative culture and economy in our region. This discussion will include considerations around the bigger picture of equity and access in our region and how our community organizing activities can either reinforce or transform oppressive historical patterns.

You’ll leave with a tangible sense of how to organize and run a savings pool, the benefits and risks of participation, tools for doing it successfully, and next steps in your own life for starting or participating in one.

Please consider attending this event with some friends/family/colleagues, as the hope is that you can go home and start a savings circle with people you trust.

DETAILS:  Monday, October 21, 2019, 6:30 PM – 9 PM Lenoir-Rhyne University, Center for Graduate Studies, at 36 Montford Ave. Asheville, 2nd floor boardroom

For more information please have a look at the Facebook event

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