Special Olympics North Carolina names new co-coordinator for Buncombe County

From Special Olympics North Carolina:

Liz Hoekwater of Asheville, North Carolina, has been named the local program co-coordinator for Special Olympics Buncombe County effective immediately, according to Special Olympics North Carolina (SONC) President/CEO Keith L. Fishburne.

Hoekwater is a Recreation Operations Manager at Buncombe County Parks and Recreation and has experience working in Community Mental Health and Buncombe County Schools. She has also spent time working with Nantahala Outdoor Center, where she organized and lead NOC’s first Women’s Pedal Fest organizing ride leaders, coaches, and all logistics as well as coordinated staff events.

As local program co-coordinator, Hoekwater will assist in the implementation of Special Olympics activities within Buncombe County by leading a volunteer committee that will provide sports training and competition opportunities along with health and wellness initiatives for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. This involves recruiting, training and managing volunteers, increasing athlete participation and raising funds in support of the program.

To get involved in the local program committee or to donate to Special Olympics Buncombe County, please contact buncombe@sonc.net.

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