Statement from Buncombe County election services director Corinne Duncan Oct. 7

From Buncombe County Election Services:

Buncombe County Election Services Director Corinne Duncan is reassuring our community that Buncombe County will vote. All staff and board members are accounted for and despite personal hardship, the Election Services team has been organizing to make sure this community has a voice in choosing the people that represent us both in good times and in tragedy.

Election Services is now open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. to assist you. There is power but no water. Early voting will begin next week on Oct. 17. Absentee-by-mail is happening now and Election Day will take place on Nov. 5.

Staff is currently assessing the facilities and poll workers available for both early voting and Election Day, early voting being the current priority. Our office and equipment were spared. We are working with our emergency team and the State Board of Elections to strategize and modify plans. The State Board of Elections met today to discuss emergency measures to support the needs of affected counties and a resolution was issued outlining available operating procedures. The local board of elections will hold a public meeting tomorrow at 3:30 p.m., to begin processing absentee ballots and discuss modifications to our early voting plan.

That meeting will be held at 59 Woodfin Place in Asheville. Our phone system is spotty but improving so call us at 828-250-4200 if you can. If you are able to access the internet you can find information on our website at registration forms and the online absentee by mail request portal. You can also email your questions to

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