Two WNC correctional facilities evacuated

News release from the N.C. Department of Adult Correction:

The North Carolina Department of Adult Correction today evacuated approximately 400 offenders from Western Correctional Center for Women in Swannanoa and the Black Mountain Substance Abuse Treatment Center for Women in Black Mountain.

NCDAC made the evacuation decision based on the expected long timeframe for water and power restoration to these locations. Buses arrived Monday morning, and all offenders were successfully transported to other correctional facilities for women by early evening.

All offenders are safe, and NCDAC is taking appropriate steps to ensure continued health and safety of staff and offenders. Family and friends of offenders are asked not to call the prisons to check on a loved one.  Relocated offenders will be able to make phone calls after they arrive at their destinations. The online Offender Locator will be updated within 24 hours to indicate where individual offenders are temporarily rehoused.

Some of the 360 minimum-custody offenders at WCCW moved to Anson Correctional Institution in Polkton, and others moved to North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women in Raleigh. The 45 offenders receiving in-patient alcohol and drug treatment at the Black Mountain treatment center were taken to the North Piedmont Confinement in Response to Violation facility in Lexington.

The duration of the relocations will depend on the time required to restore water and power.

For more information on NCDAC actions in response to Tropical Storm Helene, visit

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