UNCA’s 2016 WNC Weather Calendar includes sunrise and sunset times, average temperatures, moon phases, precipitation data

Cover image courtesy of UNCA's Department of Atmospheric Sciences

For the 31st year, UNC Asheville’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences is releasing its 2016 Western North Carolina Weather Calendar. Other than small graphics to illustrate phases of the moon, the calendar contains no photos. Instead, UNCA professor and calendar creator Alex Huang has packed each page with more functional content.

Xpress corresponded with Huang to learn more about the project.

Mountain Xpress: What helpful information is in the calendar?

Alex Huang: The calendar is unique by listing daily average (normal), maximum and minimum temperatures of 30 years for Asheville, so people can [learn] what the climate of Asheville is and compare [the data] with daily, actual occurrences. The calendar also has sunrise and sunset times for each day, and they are helpful for bikers, hikers or any person who is interested in the length of daylight. Additionally, the monthly averages of temperatures, rainfall and snowfall are listed for reference.

What do heating and cooling degrees day tell us?

They are mostly useful for [power] companies to estimate the energy supply and demand. Heating degrees days are used in winter when the energy for heating is required, and cooling degree days are used in summer when the electricity for air conditioning is in demand.

What is the calendars’ educational mission and how does it fit with the work of faculty and students?

It helps to promote the Department of Atmospheric Sciences of UNC Asheville, and it stimulates public interest in weather and climate. It is for public relationship and community service.

How has the project been received over the years?

It varies from one year to another. The complimentary copies are distributed to media, speakers, prospective students and visitors. I sold about 100 copies with limited public announcements last year.

Calendars are $8 each, including postage. To order, make checks payable to Weather Calendar and mail to: Dr. Alex Huang, ATMS UNC Asheville, CPO 2450, One University Heights, Asheville, NC 28804.

About Kat McReynolds
Kat studied entrepreneurship and music business at the University of Miami and earned her MBA at Appalachian State University. Follow me @katmAVL

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