Screen Scene: Local film news

THE BAD GUY: Eric Roberts stars in the locally produced thriller “The Evil Inside Her.” The Oscar-nominated actor will be at the film's June 13 premiere at the Fine Arts Theatre and participate in a post-screening Q&A. Photo courtesy of SuttleFilm

Asheville-based production company SuttleFilm will premiere its latest feature, The Evil Inside Her, on Thursday, June 13, at 7 p.m., at the Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. Oscar-nominated star Eric Roberts (Runaway Train) will be in attendance and participate in a post-screening Q&A session and meet-and-greet, along with other cast and crew members.

Directed by James Suttles (Red Dirt Rising), the thriller was filmed in various locations around Brevard and at The Asheville Studio. Roberts plays Clayton, a murderer who drugs his victims and compels them to self-mutilate and kill those closest to them. As his latest selection, Vikki (co-star Melissa Kunnap, Rave Party Massacre) fights against Clayton’s hold on her mind, her three friends must decide whether to aid her or do whatever is necessary to survive her threats.

“I live for playing bad guys,” Roberts says. “But I don’t play my characters as bad guys because they don’t see themselves like that. If they have to do something wrong, it’s because they have an important reason to do it.”

The Evil Inside Her is the first in a series of genre films produced by SuttleFilm that will be released in 2019. “Bringing to life a story that puts [Kunnap’s] strong female lead at the center of the film’s conflict with one of the most prolific and resilient character actors in cinema was one of my main goals,” says executive producer Jennifer L. Ray. “It truly is a beautiful moment not only for myself, but for women in film.”

Tickets are available at the Fine Arts box office and online. $18 advance/$20 day of show.


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About Edwin Arnaudin
Edwin Arnaudin is a staff writer for Mountain Xpress. He also reviews films for and is a member of the Southeastern Film Critics Association (SEFCA) and North Carolina Film Critics Association (NCFCA). Follow me @EdwinArnaudin

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