In honor of our 15th birthday, Xpress hit the street to ask what you think of us. Here's what you had to say.
Zoe French of Asheville
The astrology has been kicking booty the last few weeks. And I like News of the Weird.
Phil Potter of Asheville
The Colburn Earth-Sciences Museum uses Mountain Xpress for advertising, and it seems to hit the right audience at a reasonable price. Personally, I mostly use it to look at the music venues around town, and for festival information.
Cassidy Murphy of Asheville
It tells you a lot about what shows are going on. I also like it because it tells you what other people's opinions are on the news.
Jamison Parker and Llaina Hempery of central Pennsylvania
Parker: I picked one up and threw it in the car to look at later. I hope it has an apartment guide. We're not from around here but we're hoping to move here.
Charles PickensIt gives you something extra in the news. A lot of times, what you see there, you don't see anywhere else. I've had a few articles in there.
Arthur Taylor of New York
It's the way I can get to know Asheville again — what's new, what's not around any more. I live in New York and visit Asheville, and the Mountain Xpress helps me keep up.
Nicholas Crabtree of Minneapolis, Minn.
"I don't live here but I visit often because I have family here. I always find it a useful source
of information about what's going on."
Tim Shivers of Asheville
"I think it's great from what I've read. I don't read it often, but I really like the astrology."
Use it as poop liner for my birdcage. Stopped supporting Mountain Xpress when they stole the very successful Out ‘n About concept and didn’t even care.
Anyone interested in a more civil and interesting discussion regarding Out ‘n About, a long defunct publication mentioned here by “Kithy”, go to the discussion found under the 15 Years of Milestones column.