Political party: Democrat
Occupation: Retired benefits manager, National Maritime Union
Education: Year-and-a-half of college
Political experience: None
Donors (top 3): None
Endorsements: None
1) What are the best and worst steps City Council has taken in the past two years, and why?
Best: “Nominating Carl Mumpower. Because he is trying to do a job that needs to be done.”
Worst: “Not representing for all of the residents of Asheville as a whole.”
2) What plan(s) do you support for the I-26 Connector project, and why?
“I would reserve my opinion for a later date, so I can read and study more for an opinion then.”
3) What, if anything, should the city do to improve mass transit?
“Need drivers to go through human-relations classes, training how to cooperate and work with all people with disabilities. Professional attitude. Proper communication skills. People who have no purpose of being on the bus should not be allowed to comfortably ride around all day. Better routes.”
4) What specific measures, if any, should the city take to address environmental concerns?
“Allowing open forums so people can work together on being able to solve environmental problems. Really dedicate time to studying what is going on with all these buildings that is destroying the beauty and air of Asheville.”
5) What’s your position on partisan elections?
“I believe in partisan elections. Anyone should have a chance to run who has a clean background and past.”
6) As a member of City Council, what would be your top three priorities?
“1) Represent all citizens as fairly as I can; 2) Making Pritchard Park as safe and as pleasant as can be; 3) Making the city transit more available to the public, which also includes an open-door policy.”
7) What living national political figure do you most admire, and why?
“Bill Clinton. He did the job we hired him to do in a professional manner the whole time he was in office, and the country was not in war.”
8) Under what circumstances, if any, would you support forced annexation?
9) What steps, if any, do you support to promote affordable housing in Asheville?
“Limit the amount of condos, and use the land for affordable housing for single, handicapped and low-income families. Create safe, affordable housing for all those in need [who] definitely qualify, and neighborhoods.”
10) Would you vote for or against The Ellington high-rise project, and why?
“Against. That land could be better used for apartments or housing for low or middle-class people.”
Interesting. She claims to be a Democrat, supports partisan elections yet thinks “nominating Carl Mumpower (Republican)” was the best thing city counsil did? And exactly what “job that needs to be done” is he doing? Outing closet socialists? Fingering pot smokers at concerts?
No disrespect to the candidate, but she seems confused.