Council committee to URTV: Right your own ship

On Monday, Asheville City Council’s Boards and Commissions Committee sent a letter to URTV Director Pat Garlinghouse and Board Chair Jerry Young giving a 14-point analysis of the problems dogging the public-access TV station.

The letter addresses concerns ranging from transparency issues and “internal turmoil” to the involvement of individuals with criminal backgrounds and arbitrary banning procedures for some producers.

The letter, sent by Committee members Jan Davis, Robin Cape and Carl Mumpower, comes on the heels of a July 14 appearance by URTV producers and board members before the committee and Asheville City Council, and urges station management to find solutions to the problems by the end of September.

The letter also notes that though Council has no direct oversight of URTV, it does approve funding for the station’s operations, which might be threatened if no improvements are made:

“[W]e do have stewardship accountabilities involving funding and an on-going management agreement that we must uphold in good fashion,” the letter reads. “To this point we have not had a sense that the level of partnership between URTV leadership and the City has been adequate to our shared accountabilities and interests in insuring the long-term viably of public access TV.”

“We are less interested in a ‘formal response to charges’ than an internal effort within URTV to right its own ship and press on to good places,” the letter continues.

The committee cautions in the letter that it may not know the whole story about the URTV controversies: “We recognize that our information and perspective will not necessarily be completely accurate and valid. We offer these concerns with that consideration, but a shared a belief that what we know your leadership.”

Click here to see the entire letter in The Xpress Files.

Brian Postelle, staff writer


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18 thoughts on “Council committee to URTV: Right your own ship

  1. I assume these are typos:

    12) “The contract between the old and new by-laws” should read “contrast.”

    14) “interest in insuring long-term viability” should read “ensuring.”

  2. Glad to finally see some outside leadership on this issue that will hopefully fix some of the pitfalls in the organization. URTV is far too vital of an independent media outlet & opportunity for Asheville’s communities to have this internal strife continue dragging the whole process & product down.

  3. A.Guyton

    The “PUBLIC-VOICE” is not always heard in CITY-HALL,
    and major media groups in radio/t.v do not take a slow look, to LOCAL-ISSUE,so as CITIZEN we have PUBLIC-ACCESS T.V where we can showcase our TALENT/ ISSUE’S and more.

    This is a out-let, where Joe,Tom and Malik can voice and showcase there view of what we are dealing with in the present.
    As Adult’s our goal’s should be based on Remedy’s
    that show Our Children how to be better CITIZEN,and not wasteing our time on by-laws that where already in place.
    And if someone, did there time in prison?
    that should be that? As long as they are within the law of the present,there past should only be that.
    URTV is not myspace/facebook are even comcast t.v where you have 200 plus channel’s Movies/Video’s and my pic, “the reality show’s’
    don’t you love them?
    Go-Green and keep Asheville Wierd.

  4. i for one was always happy to see Robin Cape sit in on board meetings.. it showed that someone from the city cared,and took the time to come see what we were up to.. thank you Robin Cape ,and thank you for all that you have added to city counsel.. we will miss you…

  5. Curious George

    What’s the deal with Fremont Brown? He sure wasn’t on the board long?

  6. “What’s the deal with Fremont Brown?”

    He finally got a taste of what the rest of us have been observing since the beginning. He has simply declined Ms. Garlinhouse’s kind offer to be her willing stooge.

  7. OMG ,i just heard that it’s hard to keep the board full of members… why do you think that could be?? is it like that with other boards,or are there problems with urtv?? what do you think the problem could be,and how could it be fixed??is there some big trouble maker at urtv?? i would be glad to go in ,and try to fix things,but they will not let me in the place.. i would love to do my show,but they will not let me use a studio.. what do you think can be done??

  8. hay, URTV Fan. what about this??

    “A great program answering a lot of questions and correcting a bunch of misinterpretations by the “vocal minority”:,1244.0.html“” ??????????????????????????????
    OPINIONS: The URTV nonControversy
    « on: July 20, 2009, 07:30:07 PM »


    Mr. Brown has requested that this video be taken down.

    For reasons why, Contact Fremont Brown,, 828-667-9690

    « Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 04:58:46 PM by Ralph Roberts » Logged


    Ralph Roberts, CEO
    SkyFest Film & Script Festival
    1VIDeo Productions, LLC
    aBOOKS / Creativity, Inc.
    Alexander, North Carolina

  9. URTV Member

    “i just want to go in ,and do my show in peace..
    is that too much to ask?? ”

    poor john, you have just been SO mistreated haven’t you?

    We wanted you to not exploit URTV by advertising a for profit website.
    You didn’t seem to be looking for much peace when you started all that.

    Now after all of this pointless crap you and your little group of non-members have stirred up, suddenly you just want to come to the station that you have been trashing relentlessly and do your show in PEACE?

    I’m stunned…… not really

  10. yes.anyone who knows me well,knows that to do my show is all i have ever asked for…
    OMG,i just heard that ralph quit.. is that true?? another one gone,so soon… can that be ?? things move fast around urtv don’t they..
    another one bites the dust,another one bites the dust…
    i am so far removed from urtv that it takes me a long time to find out who is on the board,and who is gone.. OMG. maybe they could post a daily up date,like the stock report,or something..

  11. OMG. Heard a rumor that Goosmann was gone…looks like it’s true…he’s not shown on the BOD list.
    another one bites the dust,another one bites the dust…Rats deserting a sinking ship???
    OMG ,i just heard that it’s hard to keep the board full of members… why do you think that could be?? is it like that with other boards,or are there problems with urtv?? what do you think the problem could be,and how could it be fixed??is there some big trouble maker at urtv??
    Fremont Brown,
    Ralph Roberts,
    Davyne Dial ,
    richard bernier,
    looks like a bad year for board members,and it’s just 1/2 over..
    who will be next??
    step 2-3- step 2-3- step 2-3-, hey you ,your out of step…
    maybe some of the ex-board members, will come tell there story on my new show…
    should be good..

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