Into the Forums

What’s new on the Forums this week? Quite a lot, actually. For instance, according to our savvy forum users, there’s reason to believe that local tourism isn’t doomed this season thanks to plenty of out-of-state tags seen driving around town. But local topics gave ground this week to more universal themes.

Piracy was the dominant nonlocal news topic this week, with active threads about the Somali pirate situation, the “Cayman Island Pirates” that spend their time avoiding taxes and the copyright-snubbing “pirates” over at, who just recently lost their court case in Sweden. Of course, it wasn’t all “yarr” and parrot jokes. The recent report by the Department of Homeland Security about the rise in right-wing extremist groups proved to be a popular topic, as did a thread by user busgreg, who believes now is the perfect time for the U.S. to legalize cannabis.

With the warm winds of spring — and all the pollen they bring — now blowing across the region, it’s only natural that topics like “I’m thinking about learning to sail” and home remedies for allergies would pop up.

Other worthy reading topics include: A discussion of “cheezy” movies that could stand a Hollywood remake; the ongoing threads good rap tunes and underrated bands; and this charming conversation about poetry.

And all these threads are merely a few of this week’s discussions on the forums. Don’t see a discussion about that burning topic you’d like to talk about? Why not start your own? All registered members of have forum accounts, and if you aren’t a member, joining is easy — just click here.

Steve Shanafelt, forums administrator


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