Into the Forums

Local news has been a source for all kinds of discussion this week. The news that Asheville is seeking federal money for a city bike fleet has forum users wondering about the practicality of the idea, while the news that cutbacks in school funding might be impacting transportation, which might mean longer walks await students, causes concerns about the priorities of local-government spending. And with Bele Chere’s budget getting slashed, it’s hard not to wonder what the impact on local business will be. Perhaps what the city needs is a catchy new theme song?

Of course, it’s been a very busy week in terms of national news. S.C. Gov. Sanford admitted to an affair, which the MX Boarders hardly found surprising. The news that ex-VP Dick Cheney is starting work on a memoir gave rise to the question of whether it would be fiction or nonfiction. And the release of new Nixon tapes, complete with a fresh dose of racism, made us all feel a little icky.

Ed McMahon’s death asked the question “What was he famous for, exactly?” But the MX Boarders rallied to explain his merits as one of the great underappreciated straight men of TV comedy. Meanwhile, Michael Jackson’s death has created a more nuanced kind of conversation as the forum crew tries to reconcile the pop god of yesteryear with the strange celebrity we’ve come to know in the last decade. And then there’s the discussion of Farrah Fawcett’s death, rounding out the trio.

And finally, an unfounded rumor started in the comments of last week’s Into The Forums created a thread about a new forum admin became a discussion of its own. Which is flattering, I suppose.

Of course, these topics are just a selection of the hundreds of discussion threads on the Mountain Xpress forums. Don’t see a discussion about that burning topic you’d like to talk about? Why not start your own? All registered members of have forum accounts, and if you aren’t a member, joining is easy — just click here.

Steve Shanafelt, forums administrator


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The comments section is here to provide a platform for civil dialogue on the issues we face together as a local community. Xpress is committed to offering this platform for all voices, but when the tone of the discussion gets nasty or strays off topic, we believe many people choose not to participate. Xpress editors are determined to moderate comments to ensure a constructive interchange is maintained. All comments judged not to be in keeping with the spirit of civil discourse will be removed and repeat violators will be banned. See here for our terms of service. Thank you for being part of this effort to promote respectful discussion.

11 thoughts on “Into the Forums

  1. the unincluded


    just a bunch of pompous left wing yankees feeling superior to everyone else.

  2. Jack S,

    I look over on forum and caint find a heading on you goin away as the boss of forums. Wish I find it cause I caint belief that many people be kissin your behind Steve.

  3. At least these complaints are the exact same every week, so it should be obvious to anyone who reads the updates that there’s one guy out there who is miffed, yet keeps reading these “boring” forums religiously.

  4. Piffy!

    it IS kinda funny how the Jack S persona tries to alter his obvious speech patterns by trying to type in broken English.

    Now if he could just learn to have more then three topics, maybe he wouldnt be so recognizable.

  5. Fred Cowan

    Boring? Just one guy saying that over and over? Sounds defensive to me. I just took a peek at the Forums. I was surprised at the juvenile back and forth that is being passed off as meaningful chat. I find here on the main part of the site at least issues are being discussed and the moderators keep most of the off topic and silly stuff off. I wonder if Forums even has a moderator. I’ll go with the issues any old day. I agree with the others who say Forums is b-o-r-i-n-g.

  6. Ken Hanke

    Now if he could just learn to have more then three topics, maybe he wouldnt be so recognizable.

    Let’s chip in and send him a collection of John Waters movies…

  7. Mr Whipple

    The forums are boring? Fred Cowan, please don’t squeeze the Charmin! Now it may clubby over there, but never boring. Unless you don’t like joking around with a good dose of gossip thrown in!

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