Photos: Public prayer in the Silent Voices Campaign

A small crowd gathered downtown today to participate in the Silent Voices Campaign, a movement started by conservative firebrand Dr. Carl Mumpower. Known for his role as a member of Asheville City Council and Republican candidate for US Congress in 2008, the local psychologist scheduled the event for Thursday to mark the National Day of Prayer. 

The crowd was one of what Mumpower says were many, praying “randomly” on Asheville’s streets throughout the day. According to Mumpower, the Silent Voices Campaign is an effort to protest societal decay in a “peaceful, visible manner that will tap into a power the dark side can’t beat.” The movement’s website lists ten specific concerns, among them the abortion of “50 million” American children, a number that Mumpower says rivals the total number of deaths in World War II. 

Participants at Thursday afternoon’s gathering occupied multiple street corners, wore black ribbons and were at one point joined by a passerby. 

Asked specifically if the campaign runs counter to Christ’s admonishment not to pray on street corners (Matthew 6:5), Mumpower said that Christ was not admonishing the place of prayer, but the intent, and noted that Christ often prayed publicly. 


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One thought on “Photos: Public prayer in the Silent Voices Campaign

  1. elizabeth m

    I really appreciate Dr Mumpowers’ approach with the “average people”. I came to know and respect Dr Mumpower through counseling. I respect his approach as how to handle the things that life throws at you.
    There is power in prayer. Thank you Carl for all you do for others.

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