• Green Jobs program promotes full-spectrum health:
“It’s no secret that people tend to get sick more in winter — or that cold, drafty living spaces don’t support optimum health. And it’s hard to take proper care of yourself if you don’t have enough money to pay the bills. An innovative program is addressing all those issues while giving some local veterans a break.” – [Mountain Xpress]
• Red Cross offers free CPR training in Asheville, WNC:
“Registration is now open for the American Red Cross’ CPR event, which will offer free CPR training and certification at a number of locations on March 12. ‘On this one day each year, WNC residents can become certified in CPR skills at no cost — a savings of $45 from the normal cost of the training,’ said Patrick Fitzsimmons, executive director of Mountain Area Red Cross.” – [Asheville Citizen-Times]
• New Asheville UNC campus health center to open in April:
“After two years of construction, the Sherrill Center, UNC Asheville’s new home for health and fitness, academic offices and basketball is scheduled for completion in early April. At more than 133,000 square feet, the Sherrill Center offers amenities to facilitate both the physical wellness of students and community members, as well as provide a modern venue for men’s and women’s home basketball games.” – [The Blue Banner]
• “Awesome Asheville” write-up on Huffingtonpost:
“Asheville is one of those cities where a health nut need not worry. Most restaurants in this quaint mountain town have options or will easily accommodate almost any special diet with a smile. It was a real treat to be in the hospitable South without worrying about loads of buttery and fried dishes, settling only for dry salads. Amongst the greenery and clean mountain air, you will also find some of the best and healthiest food around!” – [Huffingtonpost.com]
• Blue Ridge Community Health Services to celebrate health-center month:
“Blue Ridge Community Health Services will be celebrating National School Based Health Center Month during the week of Feb. 21 through 25, in an effort to raise awareness about the critical role School Based Health Centers throughout our country play in the lives of children seeking quality health care.” – [BlueRidgeNow.com]
• Asheville woman overcomes eating disorder with help from horses:
“Cramer will be one of several panelists to speak at UNC Asheville on Wednesday during this week’s National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, an initiative to highlight the estimated 8 million Americans struggling with disordered eating. Asheville’s THE (Treatment, Healing and Education) Center for Disordered Eating will host the panel and several other events to educate locals and health care professionals on eating disorders in WNC.” – [Asheville Citizen-Times]
• Opinion: Stress and anxiety play major role in heart health:
“There are many factors that affect the health of your heart and cardiovascular system. One of the largest is stress. We all have stress in our lives and really cannot control what stress enters our lives. We have some control over some stressors, but many just happen to us. But not all stress is negative. There can be positive stressors that initiate productive responses in our lives.” – [Asheville Citizen-Times]
• Study: Auricular acupuncture effective in treating anxiety:
“Based upon these results, the researchers theorized that auricular acupuncture could have a variety of applications for reducing stress and anxiety. In particular, they believed this technique could be useful in patients awaiting surgery – a group in which approximately two-thirds of all subjects experience “intense” levels of anxiety.” – [Health Tune Up]
• Midterms Acupuncture were offered at UNCA:
“Reduce Stress & Test Anxiety, Improve Memory – Tues Mar 1 6:30-7:30p, thurs Mar 3 7-8p the Pinnacle Lounge – third floor of Highsmith – $20/group treatments – faculty/staff $25” – [Kath Bartlett, LAc, Facebook]
Please submit WNC health & wellness info to: mxhealth@mountainx.com
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