More than 100 protesters chanting “I can’t breathe” and “Black lives matter, they really, really matter” marched through downtown Asheville before ending at the plaza outside the Buncombe County Courthouse on May 29. The ‘Justice for George Floyd’ rally was organized by independent youth activists in solidarity with protests against police brutality in Minneapolis, Minn., according to a Facebook post by the Party for Socialism and Liberation — Asheville.
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- DEFUND AND DIVEST: For months, community members have repeatedly asked members of Asheville City Council to defund the Asheville Police Department by 50% and invest in Black communities. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
- Protesters gather for a ‘Justice for George Floyd’ protest on May 29. Photo by Molly Horak
The thug cop who did this has been in jail since Friday and hopefully will remain there for a long time..
Anyone remember white WOMAN Jusitine Ruszczyk?? She was an Aussie white who was murdered by Somali immigrant cop Mohamed Noor in MPLS .. She didn’t even try to pass a counterfeit $20. Her “crime” was calling the cops to report that she heard what sounded like an assault on a female in the alley behind her fiances home.. The cops responded. While Justine was talking to Noor’s partner through the open driver side window, Noor suddenly drew his service pistol and fired one round (right past his partners face) and killed Justine. Noor claimed “she made a move that alarmed him” . His partner (who was 2′ from her) said she made no move that alarmed him.
maybe you can use google. that officer was convicted. 12.5 years in prison.
Yep. The Twin Cities metro area cop who shot Philando Castile in his car was acquitted. The cop who shot Tamir Rice was never charged. The cop who shot John Crawford III was never charged. The presumption that black men are uniquely threatening and need to be subdued within seconds has deep cultural roots and permeates police department.
Where are the protests against police brutality still going on? In the cities where police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets and mowing down crowds and deliberately targeting journalists. Weird how that happens.
Yes indeed he was. But if YOU can use Google you might be able to find that he was not arrested or charged until 6+ months after the shooting.
What about the three cops who stood there protecting him while he crushed the life out of George Floyd? They all four need to go away for life.
The Minneapolis Chief of Police just said the other three cops are “complicit” in George Flioyds murder. So why are they not behind bars?
These protests are organized by radical Marxist trash and protesters are their useful idiot puppets. That’s it . This will also guarantee Trump’s reelection.
Hey buddy. We live in a country that is built on a lie. Maybe pick up a newspaper or something.
How so? You mean the one where you leftist seek to take power away from the individual and give it to the government? Ever tried to do something as mundane as build a deck in Asheville? How much government red tape do you need to go through? Or how about like open a business where you need a “license”? And the government can control what you do by revoking it at any time? How about extortion via property taxes where the government can reclaim it if you can’t afford them? Yeah it’s built on a lie alright. But it’s the lie that people lke you support and seek to grow. And just what in the hell do you think the government will use to enforce it? A huge police state
Those instances you lay out are all about protecting people and were often enacted by popular demand not “imposed” on them. The government IS the people moron. Business licenses ensure that businesses aren’t cheating or harming the public who walk through the doors. Property taxes pave streets and pay for the fire department when your private property is endangered. They pay for police when someone else is violating one of those laws you hate to steal from you or harm your family.
People like you whine the most about taxes and government but are always first in line demanding it when you are in trouble. Feel free to pick some third world country with very few laws and barely any government services and go there and report back to us how “wonderful” it is.
Mr Steel. Our President refusing to address the nation and help mediate the tensions, but cowering in his bunker, blaming governors and tweeting provocative messages does not bode well for his re-election.
The problem is blacks are being killed. Please look at the demographics; look at Asheville, Charlotte, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Detroit, Los Angeles, … See who is killing black people and you will find mostly black people are killing black people. You will further find cops do not add up to a significant number in the objective demographics of murder or even killings. So many people have tried to help blacks stop this behavior but the solution must come within the black people and black “culture”. According to FBI and census data, blacks make up to 13% of the population but are responsible for almost 50% of the crime and most if that crime is against each other. Don’t believe me? Look at the numbers yourself.
correct…yet we never hear BLM around AVL when another black on black murder happens …why is that ?
The role of law enforcement is protect and to serve. To make an arrest when necessary and let the judicial system evaluate guilt/innocence and punishment. It is NOT their job to act as judge, jury and executioner. Therefore your post has zero to do with the topic at hand but it was a lame attempt to deflect attention from your support for 21st century lynchings.