Woodfin and Weaverville elect new leaders

ELECTION NIGHT: Buncombe election workers process materials brought back from election precincts in Weaverville and Woodfin Nov. 7. On the right, a screen displays the progress of each chief judge as they travel from their voting location back to the elections warehouse in downtown Asheville, tracked by GPS. Photo by Greg Parlier

As somewhat of a trial run for next year’s presidential election, elections in Woodfin and Weaverville went off without a hitch.

“Overall, the election went very smoothly,” Buncombe County Director of Elections Corinne Duncan said after the final results were submitted on election night Nov. 7.

Turnout was light as election officials incorporated two new elements into the local election process: new selection machines and ID requirements.

SMOOTH SAILING: Despite multiple changes for the 2023 general election, Director of Elections Corinne Duncan was all smiles on election night as she said her team experienced no major issues. Photo by Greg Parlier

Less than 17% of registered voters in the towns of Weaverville and Woodfin and the Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District voted this year, compared with about 20% in 2021 for the same jurisdictions. About 5% of voters participated in 2019.

“Thank you to all the voters, the poll workers, election officials, commissioners, observers, candidates, our board members and all the county and city departments that work with us to make this happen,” Duncan said. “I’m really proud of what we do. It takes more than a village around elections. And I’m happy to have such a supportive community.”

Voters used ExpressVote machines to mark their ballots, the first time the electronic devices have been used exclusively during early voting. Previously, the machines were offered to voters with vision impairments or other disabilities.

Also, per a new state law, voters were required to show photo ID at the polls this year.

Duncan said there were no issues or complaints from voters on either change.

“It’s been great to be able to run these newer things on a small scale, especially before 2024, when we expect record turnout,” she said.

Results will not become official until provisional and timely absentee-by-mail ballots have been processed. Final certification will happen Nov. 17.

CHECKING IN: Poll worker Leslie Offill checks in a voter at the Weaverville Community Center on election day Nov. 7. Photo courtesy of Buncombe County


Winners in bold.

Woodfin mayor

Jim McAllister 638 (78%)

Jason Moore 174 (21%)

Woodfin Town Council

Johanna Young 670

Elisabeth (Betsy) Ervin (incumbent) 667

Ken Kahn 621

Josh Blade 223

Weaverville Town Council

John Chase (incumbent) 730

Dee Lawrence 704

Peter McGuire 610

Jennifer Young 476


Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District Trustee

Gordon Maybury (incumbent) 386

Lauren Edgerton 378

Larry Hopkins 344

Sarah Gassaway (incumbent) 116

Ivo Ballentine (incumbent) 93

WAREHOUSE: Buncombe’s Election Director Corinne Duncan stands in front of hundreds of vote tabulators in the county elections warehouse downtown as she prepares to give a live update of election results. Photo by Greg Parlier



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One thought on “Woodfin and Weaverville elect new leaders

  1. Michael Carroll

    Voters could choose 3 candidates in the Council and Waterboard. As such, it is not correct to express their vote totals as a portion of 100%

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