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I would also like to add that Doctor Mumpower owns a beautiful Standard Poodle. Carl faithfully walks the dog daily at 9 am from his office on College Street throughout downtown. Every time I see them downtown, it appears that Carl does not own any Doggie Waste Bags. The dog poops, Carl no scoops. Please, can we set up a Go Fund Me? Dr. Carl Mumpower Doggie Waste Bag Drive, 2017. Times are tough and the struggle is real…
Not at all weighing in on Dr. Mumpower’s side here, but just curious. Is the dog pretty regular? Does he/she always poop when their walk takes them across your line of vision – or do you follow them until you actually observe the doggie drop a bomb?? Maybe you ought to take pictures and slip them under his office door…..
Have you examined the consistency of Dr. Mumpower’s dog poop? Is the dog showing signs of anxiety or depression over the fact that his/her human is a big failure? (see below)
Given his propensity to constantly remind others how we aren’t measuring up to his pure and unsoiled standards, I would assume that Dr. Mumpower’s dog would be like him — a perfect and untainted being not saddled with the standard bodily functions that plague and inconvenience mere mortals such as the rest of us.
But hey, I could be wrong.
Very useful information for anyone who wished to stalk and ambush Dr. Mumpower, perhaps with the intent of causing him harm. I had no idea that MtnX would provide such vital public services.
First thing I thought was creeepy poopstalker….
Hi Eric. Actually I own a black and white English Setter – and she is faithfully cleaned up after by her owner – without exception. I will add that she is a female – I haven’t figured out how to clean up No. 1 with a doggie bag. Are you really so in need of an opportunity to chastise the opposition that you have to invent stuff.? (;
Hey, take it easy on Carl. He’s coming to terms with being a big failure.
B.C.G.O.P. Chair – “I have failed…”
I will say this: Dr Mumpower is not a typical or conventional anything — he mostly sticks to “disagree without being disagreeable” — and when I think of some of the other options to lead Buncombe GOP, the county party is probably better off with him in charge.
Not me. I like Carl, but for me, bring back Chad and the “I will put on a telethon on somebody’s cable access show and raise $250,000 for GOP candidates!!” days.
the Dr. is right… socialism IS retarded … and stupid. and yes an avoidable situation.
So you won’t be calling the fire department if your house catches fire than, huh?
fire depts are run by the TAXPAYERS not the welfare recipients …duh.
I’m amazed at how well our bought and paid for corporate politicians demonize socialism; while the people who would benefit from it the most follow blindly like lamb to the slaughter.: I’m amazed at how many people are clueless with regards to the fact that we as a country can socialize more of our every day functions without being “socialists”… I was so proud to hear Bernie Sanders speak from the high podium that we need to be more like Denmark Norway and Sweden… why is it that people within the Nordic countries have the highest standard of living and quality of life??? Yet our corporate puppet politicians use socialism and communism as the same meaning purposefully intending for us to think that these Nordic countries have long bread lines; where free worship is forbidden…. I proudly served my country; can’t say I’d encourage the same anymore.
‘Socialism is the equal sharing of misery’ … Churchill
Gosh, I wonder why it is it that people always choose to lop off the other part of that quote?
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings.
If you decry socialism so much, it seems you would want to head it off if possible. Nothing lays the groundwork for socialism like the greed and inequity of the past generation. Worker productivity keeps going up, but all the ‘blessings’ as Churchill called them, are going to the richest Americans – people who don’t really work. The middle class is disappearing, and today we send still more of those ‘blessings’ to the top 1% with the tax bill about to pass Congress.
If you wonder why Americans are thinking about turning to socialism, GOPers – just look in the mirror.
Amen! Trumps slave monkey constituency are so desperate for table scraps they cheer for a tax plan to where their tax savings expire in a few years, but corporate taxes are indefinite….. ALL while increasing our debt 1.5 TRIL w/in 10 years…. tenn senator BOB Corker decided at the last minute to vote for; solely bc his commercial realestate investments are going to benefit…. wake up SLAVES!
Is that why England socialized their healthcare after the WAR…?
It’s why Churchill lost that election in a landslide.
The American alternative to socialism under both parties was always giving working-class and middle-class white people government handouts under two promises: that they get to pretend that they earned it themselves, and that black people won’t get the same deal.
Republicans don’t even want to do that any more. If you’re rich, you somehow deserve to be richer; if you’re not rich, then you did something wrong, like be born in the wrong year to the wrong parents in the wrong place in the wrong skin.
Capitalism = socialism for the rich, free enterprise for the poor.
define who’s ‘the poor’ … who are they to YOU ?
“The poor” in America covers everybody who is one life event (or someone else’s capricious decision) away from complete ruin.
Now your turn.
Ha! You didn’t answer the second half of the question, Luther. Who are these poor people to you? Huh? Maybe you’re biased in their favor because you’re a human being yourself. Did you ever think of that?
Yeah, and another THING – who the heck are these “meek” I keep hearing about? Why are they so “blessed”, and what did they EVER do to “inherit the earth”? Sounds like just another Democrakkk socialist entitlement SCHEME.
Mumpower; this dude had enough mental issues to tramp around the projects of Asheville to buy crack; Only to later show up at the police station telling police officers that they aren’t doing there their jobs, because he was able to buy crack….
The mountain express had an article about this titled ‘mumpower gets hard on drugs’🤪🤪🤪
Speaking of England, Carl wasn’t even born in the US. He was one of those dang anchor-baby-not-quite-American-immigrant-types.
His birth was heralded by “The Great Smog”, a vast cloud of coal fumes which killed 12,000 Londoners in just a few days. Creepy. Conservatives at the time like Churchill called it an “Act of God”, not an act of burning so much coal you suffocate yourselves.
On the positive side, it led to the first “Clean Air Act” in England. Thanks, Carl’s creepy Birth Herald!
If you hate socialism so much, hire the disabled. Seventy percent unemployment.
Nothing wrong with capitalism thAt ethics , humanity and consideration for others couldn’t cure.
Walk a mile in my shoes..without greed and criminal medical neglect, I’d not be who caused the poverty in the first place..
Common sense isn’t too common round these parts.