Bug bites: The lowdown on no-see-ums

Photo courtesy of CDC

Yes, Caroline, there are no-see-ums, and they do bite. These tiny flies — commonly known as sand flies — have a lot in common with mosquitos.

In body shape they look like a mosquito, says Paul Bartels, a professor of Invertebrate Biology at Warren Wilson College. Pointing to an enlarged photo, he explains that these insects fall under the classification Diptera — meaning they have two wings and are attached to a thorax.

They also have a needle-like sucker and a separate injector tube. Using the latter, these flies squirt a small amount of anticoagulant to keep the blood flowing. It is our body’s allergic reaction to this anticoagulant that produces the itch, which can linger for many days in some people.

You can actually see the no-see-ums, although they are very small — about the size of a sharp pencil point.  They can go straight through window screens but usually fly low and stay outdoors. There are many species, so individuals would have to be identified under a microscope. 

These, and mosquitos of course, are the usual culprits that sting exposed body parts of creatures that exhale carbon dioxide (including humans). The females seek out blood as a source of protein for their eggs. Males of these species do not bite humans.

Professor Bartels says no-see-ums like the backs of human legs because they are protected from the airflow created by walking, which can affect their flight. 

They live in the grass and low vegetation, especially around coastal areas. They must have constant moisture for their larva, and Asheville’s wet spring and summer has suited them to a tee.

The good news is that a commonly available lotion, Avon’s “Skin So Soft,” is an excellent repellent for no-see-ums. They are also repelled by insect repellants containing DEET, or more natural alternatives like Citronella. The best protection is long sleeves and long legs on pants (tightly cuffed) to prevent them from finding your skin. Wilderness fabrics are deliberately woven so tightly that even no-see-ums can’t penetrate them.

No-see-ums are grouped with gnats and midges because of their size and body form. There are thousands of species of these insects, but most of them don’t bite humans, although they can be quite annoying.

There are other critters that do bite humans, like chiggers, which are mites. The larval form of chiggers seek tight, protected spots between skin and clothing, to bite and inject its saliva, loaded with irritating enzymes.

Chiggers do not lay eggs in human skin (according urban legend) so painting the wound with nail polish will not protect you. The itch is long lasting because it takes time for the enzymes to fade.

Professor Bartels also cautions humans to protect their pets — dogs and cats especially — from ticks and fleas. These cause agony to pets, who can’t tell you what’s wrong, and these pests transmit several diseases. Lyme disease is tick-borne, infects humans and is lurking in the North Carolina woods. 

DeWitt Robbleloth is a freelance writer.


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104 thoughts on “Bug bites: The lowdown on no-see-ums

  1. veloris

    I am so glad I found this page, everyone thinks I am lost my mind, I encountered this bug from Arizona, I have been and still being ate up,i can not get any relief, they made a nest in my hair, I got all my hair cut off, I have used bleach ,bakeing soda, vinegar, tic and flea spray now,, I am in awe right now,cause I broug her ht them home o come up with somethingto my daughters home now her children keep getting bit,she wants me out her home, I need to find a solution to get them out her home.
    Thank You
    Miss Green

    • Mamie Gibson

      I have also been accused of imagining these pesty bugs. How do I get rid of them. Have had Rid X exterminator out twice, have set off bombs twice. Nothing seems to phase them. What can I use to rid my home of them. They really hurt when they bite and can wiggle their way thur clothing and bed covers. Please help.

      • Nancy M. Doyle

        I have been dealing with no-see-ums for 3 years now. The one thing I found was taking a bath with bleach and hydrogen peroxide. As I bathe I found that if I rub my skin they come out and I cannot believe how many are in my skin. So I find things they don’t like. Since learning that they lay 1000 eggs a day that is not so good odds in eliminating them. I use a facial steamer to rid them from my eyes and face and I use Biore Blemish Fighting Astringent on face they do not like. I found they don’t like the infrared lamp and I have infrared heating pad with jade stones when I sleep on to deter them. They do not like neem oil and castor oil which I make up a small amount and rub on my face especially around my eyes. I found they do not like calamine lotion with zinc oxide. I believe they do not like zinc oxide in the calamine. My nephew told me about a Beyer Advanced complete insect killer ready to spread granules you put on lawn. It is suppose to rain. So I want to put it down before it rains. I am not a fan of this because it is a poison. And I am at my wits end. To anyone in this space of these bugs my heart goes out to you. They are relentless if they like you.


          I’m going to try the Biore. I’ve suffered with these bites for years, all over my neck and face. Three dermatologist s haven’t been able to figure it out. I change my pillowcase e ery other day, and wash my pillows once a week. Nothing works. I also have very thick hair, which they like. I’m also diabetic, so maybe my “sweetness” attracts them. I see dermatologist number 4 in October.

        • Scabies.Free.Since.1983

          That sounds like a case of insects called Scabies, Nancy. You are definitely the scientist type, the way you are going about it. The lotion you need for that is not an over-the-counter item. Go to a free community clinic or to a doctor.

          • Becky

            It’s not Scabies!! But the treatments for the NoSeeUms and Midgets is the same as that for Scabies. I am undergoing treatment now.

          • Cortnie

            What is the name of the lottion if it is no see ums and not scabbies it could make no see ums worse they like moist areas

        • John in MI

          To Nancy: I think I may have the same thing. I may have picked them up while hiking. I now change clothes 2-3 times per day, and clean anything I sit on, daily. I wash my sheets, regularly. I noticed that they seem to come out of hiding after I apply insect repellent. I’ve noticed both black and red things. Some of them look like they might have wings. But they aren’t very big. As far as I can tell, they spread very slowly.

          • Lake Retreat

            That answers the question, why they seem to get worse after spraying repellent. They swarm like crazy. Insect repellent doesn’t kill them it just agitated them. They will sting & bite your hand. Why can’t we see them when this is happening.. Sticky traps catches a few,put in corners, under sofa, dressed, behind doors, Sometimes cloud appearing swarms can b visualizes. Truly need a way to eradicate this stuff

        • James Oshea

          I too am attacked relentlessly by these little bastards.. i like the term punkies although there aint nothing cute about them! I am the only one in my house they pester so my family thinks im crazy! Yes crazy is where im at! I havent slept in weeks and when i do its because i sleep away from home! I shower with pine soap and they wont bother me… fir about 20 minutes! I spray cedar wood oil and pine and lemongrass oil around tokeep them at bay but again it only lasts a little while! I cant take much more of this . I leave my house but they are in my clothes and hair..i have to bike around the block to shake them off..?its driving me to the point of either moving or finding a way to get rid of them! Gotta go theyvs are on full attack mode ! Help

          • corrina

            Other products that help the itching are Itch Eraser and Caladryl Lotion. They are inexpensive. The Itch Eraser is the most effective, but it can burn a bit if you’ve been scratching. I own and live in a one story home, and have never had a bird here. In addition to all of the things I’ve already tried to run these bugs off, I spray my drains, and toilet bowls with Chlorox Clean-Up, and/or Pinesol Cleaner, frequently. I am now taking Garlic Softgels 1,000 mg once daily. This is the odor controlled type. I’ve ordered a bug and pest plug-in that supposedly keeps pests out of the home. I’ve recently started running a cool mist diffuser with essential oils. That helps me breathe and makes the room feel nice (I keep the bedroom door shut, and run a window a/c unit). Anyway, we’ll see what happens. I’ve spent a lot of money over the months, but still have bugs.

          • Lake Retreat

            YES we need HELP. DOES. ANYBODY HAVE a solution. Have tried EVERYTHING. NOTHING WORKS. THEY WIn every time. Agressive, & invasive (on every part of body) & clothes . House, car everywhere you go. Misery

        • Shannon

          Yes! Midges can and DO cause miasis. You need to find somebody to prescribe you ivermectin and strong antibiotics! People will absolutely say you’re batty, if they can’t experience it then it must not be happening…right? Such caveman style thinking for an advanced species 🙄. Stop using the bleach in the bath though, it is breaking down your skin and making you more susceptible to secondary infection. I recommend finding the tiny bumps (mine were mostly on my feet, neck, and where my bra band runs) and make a video of you pulling that thing out of the tiny blister. It will look like a weird splinter to the naked eye. Spray that thing with a little water and watch how it morphs into an easily recognizable very tiny pupa, or even a fully grown winged tiny gnat looking thing! If you have an itchy scab, soak it in some water mixed with essential oils and it will come off with the guest beneath. I know for sure becauee I’m waiting for my prescriptions from the pharmacy. To not be dubbed as a loon, you MUST calm down and think logically. Don’t overload the DR with too much of the information. Take one or two of these buggers with you to the appointment and if you can make a video where you can actually see and recognize it as a tiny flying insect extracted from your skin, it’s fine to take that with you as well. Soak in Epsom salts and apple cider vinegar to soften the ones on the surface and get them off of you with a soft bath time scrub brush or loofah. Our bodies are amazing and will expell these things back to the surface but you have to stop the hatchery to be able to get rid of the problem and they are not all on the surface. I know how mind and body and allllll consuming this is, and I feel for anybody who has been a long time sufferer. Mt Dr actually said it’s way more common than most people think, but remember a doctor studies the human body, not bugs, so if you go in and tell them about how you got stung by a piece of what looks like lint on the seam of your shirt, or how you can’t catch it on fire or how your hair is being weord and moving on its own(symptoms that made me PANICCC) you’ll be diagnosed with morgellans and no doctor will take you seriously with this issue again. Tell them you went camping and were swarmed with these biting gnats and now you have old bites that won’t heal and you feel movement and terrible itching with sharp needle-like pains beneath the surface. Bam. You’ll get the medications you need to finally begin healing your body. Uggg I cannottttt imagine dealing with this for a matter of years and my heart goes out to you. I wish you the very best!

      • Ladies Retreat

        6 years now, Still looking for answers. So miserable fast frying tiny black pests

        • Buddy

          You might be suffering with histamine intolerance. If you get a lot of insect bites, the itch might stay for awhile. If you are consuming a large amount of histamine rich foods, you could have histamine overload, which can cause a lot more hives and itching. You might feel that you are getting bitten again, but your skin is over reacting. Go on a strict anti histamine diet for at least 21 days, take Zyrtec, Claritan or Allegra for that time period. Stop coffee, tea, for that time period. Check out low histamine diet online. Don’t use creams and just let skin rest. Hot water and harsh soaps, baths are not good. Let skin rest and drink lots of water. Check with your doctor about antihistamine drugs like Zyrtec if it’s safe if you are on other medications. Supplement your diet with DAO, B6, B vitamins in general and vitamin C. Don’t eat citrus for at least 21 days. Read up on list of foods to avoid for three weeks. Introduce them slowly back. Spinach, chocolate, all fermented food, cured and smoked meat such as hot dogs are extremely high in histamine. Hope this helps. Buddy

    • Laurie

      I visited Florida twice last year (2014), one in May and then again in late October. The first visit was near Tampa and I got over 100 noseeum bites on my body. They lasted 2-3 weeks and I was miserable for that entire time. The second visit was to S Florida and I got about 75 bites that time but some of them never went away. Six month later I still have a dozen or so and they still itch! I live in northern California, not on the coast, and I’ve never experienced anything like this before. When in Florida I tried 2 different DEET products and Avon’s Skin So Soft and nothing worked. I’m afraid to visit there again, or anywhere else that is warm and coastal. Lately I’ve noticed some new bites on me and wondering if I brought some of these pests home with me but I don’t see how they would have made it through the winter here (although we had an unusually warm winter).

      • Brad Bergsma

        They survive winter here in canada, so they can survive down there..
        Enjoy them, they are a treat…
        May i suggest your next visit to florida be later in the summer season…
        Most biting bugs tearly cycle jas passed by then, or at the very least, there numbers reduced..

      • Sunnie Tiffin

        the same thing is happening to me! Yo don’t know how good it is to know Im not alone!

        • JO-ANN BOONE

          No by no means are you alone I’ve a feeding source for a number of years for these pest not knowing what was happening to my skin. I to was accused of imagining things by my husband when I tried ridding these pest which became painful to remove once their eggs are burrowed under the skin, then your blood flow can be excessive after removing them and can also cause scaring where they’ve been on your skin. Wow after all these years of not knowing what this was I finally have found my answer, now I CAN FIGHTS AGAINST no dayum see ums!!!

      • Buddy

        You might be suffering with histamine intolerance. If you get a lot of insect bites, the itch might stay for awhile. If you are consuming a large amount of histamine rich foods, you could have histamine overload, which can cause a lot more hives and itching. You might feel that you are getting bitten again, but your skin is over reacting. Go on a strict anti histamine diet for at least 21 days, take Zyrtec, Claritan or Allegra for that time period. Stop coffee, tea, for that time period. Check out low histamine diet online. Don’t use creams and just let skin rest. Hot water and harsh soaps, baths are not good. Let skin rest and drink lots of water. Check with your doctor about antihistamine drugs like Zyrtec if it’s safe if you are on other medications. Supplement your diet with DAO, B6, B vitamins in general and vitamin C. Don’t eat citrus for at least 21 days. Read up on list of foods to avoid for three weeks. Introduce them slowly back. Spinach, chocolate, all fermented food, cured and smoked meat such as hot dogs are extremely high in histamine. You have to clear out the excess histamine from your body. Hope this helps. I posted this before. Buddy

    • Anne

      Use Enforcer brand flea powder from the pet section at Walmart to get rid of no see ums. I lived in FL for years. Don’t leave your windows open and stay out of the grass. enforcer flea powder on the carpets will get rid of them. just leave it down for an hour. In 24 hrs your house will be clear. Flowery smelling shampoos are not a good idea if you are sensitive to their bites. They hate hair products like mousse and hair spray so you should be able to avoid getting them in your hair if you use them

      • Brigitte

        I live in nirthern new york on the Canadian Border and have them on my floors in my house. They bite as I walk around

      • Nicole Wallace

        Are you sure hairspray wont attract them? Id hate to use it and suffer more

    • Corrina

      I’ve found that they don’t like lavender oil. I’ve had a problem with these indoor pests for over one year, so I’m experimenting with different things. I put a couple of tablespoons of baking soda, followed by 1 cup of white vinegar in all of my drains, because I’ve heard that they lay eggs in the drains. Avon Skin So Soft has an oil that contains a repellant. Regular Skin So Soft hasn’t worked for me.


        Yes, these things always attack me in my face while I’m standing at the sink. I’m so sure they are coming from my drains! I’ve tried flushing bleach water down the drain but it only helps temporarily. I don’t know where they originally came from but about 6 mo ago my cat started acting very erratic and scratching very wildly. My vet charged me over $200 to tell me the cat did NOT have fleas and they had NO answers! Within 2 months my cat was dead! I’ve tried using mentholated powders and Vicks Vapo Rub. They seem to be the only thing that give me some relief, at least temporarily. I’ve never been able to see one. Not even with a magnifying glass. So frustrating!!

        • corrina

          I’m very sorry to hear about your cat. I get some very itchy and painful bites. My cats are occasionally bothered, while I’m almost always bothered. In order to get any sleep at all, I run the a/c quite cold, and keep the fans running. I cover up with two sheets–they bite through if I just do one. I use VICKS on my face, and spray one of my many repellents on the top of my head. I wash my bedding every other day, and throw it in the clothes dryer when I don’t launder it. I never wear my night clothes more than one night. I keep my waste cans covered and dump them frequently. I have lemon slices around the house. I made the vinegar and dish soap traps and have set them out. I never find anything in them. I clean all of my drains with white vinegar and baking soda. I have plug in devices that attract and electrocute bugs. I keep my house clean and don’t leave dirty laundry around. I have a rock garden full of plants that repel blood sucking bugs. This is just a portion of what I’ve tried, and I’m still trying. Very frustrating.

          • R GERRY MYERS

            Hello Corrina…. And thank you for your response to my original post one year ago here! Just discovered your reply today. The website did not alert me to your reply. It’s now a year since my original post on this site and I still have an issue in my house with these things–not much has changed! I have discovered one thing, however, that pinpoints the source of where these things have come from. I discovered that the second floor tenant (who lives above me) had been hording caged birds (parakeets–to be exact, and over two dozen of them in two cages). What’s more, we found out that the birds were infested–WITH BIRD MITES! If you are still dealing with your own issues with microscopic insects, you might want to do a little research on bird mites. Unfortunately, I doubt that you’ll like what you find out, but the info might help give you some answers. Very briefly, I found out that, like the “no-see-ums”, bird mites are essentially invisible to the naked eye. What’s more, they are extremely prolific and virtually impossible to get rid of. I’ve learned that they lay their eggs by the millions in the fabrics of your home (clothing, upholstered furniture, carpeting, bedding, etc. etc.). Then, when they come in contact with a person or animal they attach themselves and feed on the blood and the cycle begins all over again! Essentially they are like vampires in microscopic form!!! Six months ago the landlord made the second-floor tenant get rid of the birds, but the mites are not gone–not by a long shot! Termin-x refuses to address the problem of bird mites! I’ve resigned myself to living with these “bugs from hell”! Nothing I’ve tried has gotten rid of them. If you see this post–hope it helps. Good luck!!!

        • Patricia Loyd

          I have found that spring alcohol directly on the bite and then after letting it dry rub and a CBD cream to help ease the sensitivity of the Itch.

          • corrina

            Other products that help the itching are Itch Eraser and Caladryl Lotion. They are inexpensive. The Itch Eraser is the most effective, but it can burn a bit if you’ve been scratching. I own and live in a one story home, and have never had a bird here. In addition to all of the things I’ve already tried to run these bugs off, I spray my drains, and toilet bowls with Chlorox Clean-Up, and/or Pinesol Cleaner, frequently. I am now taking Garlic Softgels 1,000 mg once daily. This is the odor controlled type. I’ve ordered a bug and pest plug-in that supposedly keeps pests out of the home. I’ve recently started running a cool mist diffuser with essential oils. That helps me breathe and makes the room feel nice (I keep the bedroom door shut, and run a window a/c unit). Anyway, we’ll see what happens. I’ve spent a lot of money over the months, but still have bugs.

        • Lake Retreat

          Put some sticky traps ( Yellow seems to work best) on the floor under furniture& behind doors, window skills etc. These are VERY,VERY TINY Looks like a black dot .some like a thread. Look very closely with magnifying glass. They R relentless There must B different stages or types . Same action just look different. Some have a faint hum near ear &head. Still looking for ways to eradicate this pest

        • John Muller

          Funny, my noseeums started small, but after 8 months in my warm apartment, I have some that are the size of a small housefly. They seem to get large toward the end of their life cycle. And to the person that has eggs laid under her skin, that sounds like scabies. Noseeums don’t lay eggs under your skin.

    • Anissa Ann Carter

      Did you ever get rid of these? The same thing is happening to me and I live in Kingsport Tennessee now!!! I need help if anybody can help me!!!

    • mike

      i have been plagued by these satanic little mother effers, mostly on grass near salt water in Florida. You don’t know they are biting you until hours later, and then they itch like effing torture for 1-3 weeks, leaving permanent scars where you scratched so bad you rip open your skin.

      Thankfully, a guy at west marine told me about a remedy that actually gives you relief. I bought a little $2 spray bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol and sprayed the bites. It gives you instant relief and it lasts for 1-2 hours. Then re-spray when they start itching again. When the spray bottle ran out, i refilled with 90% alcohol from walgreens and it worked even better.

    • Cassandra Charles

      I started getting bit in 2018. Noseeums LOVE me. I can’t keep moving so I developed a oil mixture that kills Noseeums instantly and stops the extreme itching instantly. The Noseeums cut thru my clothes. I had millions of noseeums in my cuz every time I went outside I was attacked. I started slowly stripping at the door never removed clothes over head but towards the feet and placing clothes in plastic bag and throwing in freezer then a slow tiptoe to the shower. This process helped to get rid. Treat outside your door. You have to treat your walls, doors windows. I wiped everything down with lysol. U can rid yourself and home from noseeums. Cut off their water supply in your home. Leave no source for water. I never used the dishwasher thank God that is a perfect water source and nesting place. Persil will rid them out of your clothes. I use Persil, borax, and lysol in laundry. I used diamateous earth on the carpet. Must vacuum everyday. I recommend the shark not the cheaper one.

  2. Help!

    I have similar things in my back yard and I can’t figure out what they are. They are biting both myself and my dogs, and they are absolutely tiny! They look almost clear ( like beige clear exoskeletons) but they don’t look like mosquitos like the way you describe the “no see ums”. They are so tiny that by the time I actually trap one with my finger I have smashed it, and can’t decipher the bits under a microscope. They are about 1mm long or less and probably half that wide and they don’t seem like they can fly, but on that scale I can’t really tell what is going on. Are there no see ums that can’t fly? If I sit in the grass for too long I am absolutely covered. If anyone knows what these are or if these could potentially be “no see ums”. My boyfriend thought i was just having an allergic reaction to the grass but NO! Its something like these things! Hate them! – Austin, Tx

      • Help

        Definitely not chiggers. I grew up in the south east and have known what those look like my entire life.

      • Kari

        If they are chiggers, they are easy to get rid of. I went camping & wore sweatpants that gathered at the ankle. I had them all over my feet up to where my sweatpants gathered. You can go to the pharmacy & they have medicine specifically for chiggers, they actually get under your skin, which I know if really gross but the medicine worked, they were gone & never got them again.

    • Pamala

      I am also from Austin Texas and we get eaten alive by them every spring and summer. The only thing that we have found that helps is to re-pallet with DEET in it. And keeping our grass cut as short as possible. Also, Make sure you don’t have any standing water around your property.

    • Jeff

      Read or look up about a insect called Thripe. It could be the pest you are talking about.

    • Melissa

      Could this be a white spider ? They largely go after wet wood and damp environments.
      I have been buying Dr Bronners Peooermint soap because most of not all nuisance insects HATE peppermint, along with many other essential oils, of this in a large spray bottle I ad the DrBronners peppermint soap about 2-5 tablespoons ( after everything else is leave room) Clive oil, lemon grass oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil , ( sometimes i ad cedar oil. Better to put sacets if red cedar chips, available in the pet section on all different height surfaces. Cedar is a natural deter any so any and all entry points is the best place to start, not just the typical ones but where drains come into the house, that kinda thing. ) ok so alo add 2 TBS of blue dawn dish liquid ( helps it stick where you spray. ) now slowing add the hottest water you can stand to add to the bottle. You can also rub the PEEL from oranges, lemons, limes anything citrus on windowsills, doorframe anywhere inside you see bugs.
      Also there is another bug called the Madked Hunter Bug. It’s tiny but collects debris and ends up making you think there is lint everywhere. I wonder if those of you whom think the No Seeums are making nests in your hair really have Masked a hunter Bugs, that’s what happened to me. Using a microscope app, tangled in my hair when I woke up having combed it, what combed off my head looked like wet toilet paper stuck in my hair which is not at all what you’d think it would look like from what you see with your naked eye. Good luck everyone!
      If this doesn’t work for you for some reason, try googling your state the time of year your having the issue, the big you believe it is and home remedy’s Z there is a company out there that make a poison just for no see ums . Happy terminating!!!

  3. PJ

    Just moved to Virginia from Denver last summer. Last year it was mosquitoes. This year it’s mosquitoes plus all manner of bugs. Tics gave my dog lymes disease and now there are probably five or six insects that have infested our house, our daughters house and our car. Wish I’d never moved!
    Some are tiny black dots (hundreds of them) that get in beds and on floors and furniture. They must bite because we are miserable and scratch all the time.
    Others look like fine pieces of lint. Others are hard like little wood chips (white) that cut and are abrasive. Others are like little red mites. And still others are like grains of salt.
    We are all going nuts. The dogs cry and we have bloody scratches all over. What do you go for these? We can’t afford to have chemical sprays as I’ve had lupus and cancer. Any ideas?

    • C

      Reading your blog about no see um s and your story sounds all to famliar have you found out what these are or found a solution ?
      Any relief??

    • Michelle Morgan

      Dear PJ and others ,
      I live in central Illinois and even though this post is two years after the fact of your entry, I am experiencing the exact same thing . I have teeny tiny little pests in my home . They come in all shapes and sizes from teeny tiny little straight mites that look like teeny little black pieces of hair to tiny black, red and white specks. The longer Black and red hair like mites can go in and out of the fabric in my sheets and blankets. Did I mention whatever these little vectors are they bite & leave bumps. But they are definitely not bedbugs. Some of them flying seem to resemble the No Seeums. Regards to getting rid of them, they seem to be immune to everything I try from home bug foggers to daily cleaning to Windex & other insecticide spray‘s. The only thing that I have found that works to get rid of them is spraying 92% rubbing alcohol directly on them. I have heard that diamond tacious earth is good for your carpets however what do I do about those that are inside of my other couch ? Oh and for some reason only females in my household – me – are the ones that get bit or stung or whatever you wanna call it . My husband and sons don’t. I have been fighting this for five months and have gone so far as to employ Orkin pest control regional inspector. I’ve given him two samples and he supposedly shipped them off to his corporate lab where they cannot seem to identify what these things are. I hate them too!! I want to move so badly but I can’t . And then I’m afraid that if they’re actually on me I’ll take them with me wherever I go. They are in my car & my couch. They are in my clothing and bedding . They love to be close to the water source and my garbage can and are now living underneath my kitchen table. I saw a few that fly & I’m wondering if I have two different types of insects? For the ones that fly, they look like dust particles with a purpose. Please someone anyone give me some information that will help me get rid these insects . Whether there some type of mysterious mite that bites you in your bed and /or attacks you in your kitchen or other living areas in the home, they have got to go!

      • Lashanda Young

        Omg you are the only one who described exactly what I’m seeing and feeling. The swarm me at night make my body over heat and it feels like I’m getting shocked/Electrocuted, it feels like I’m dizzy when they swarm when I’m at my bathroom sink! Every body thinks I’m crazy this is my second summer experiencing this. Doctors don’t want to LISTEN!

      • Keia

        Just wondering if you ever got a hold on this issue? I’m suffering as well.

    • Buddy

      I think you need to check your air ducts. It’s possible your ducts have openings and some fiberglass insulation is leaking into the house. Fiberglass can hurt and cause itching. Also pray Psalm 91 our loud over your house and property that no evil shall come near your dwelling place.

    • corrina

      I’m told that the sprays don’t do any good, anyway. I share your frustration, believe me. Keep trying everything, like I am doing. Maybe you’ll get lucky. These bugs are from the Middle East, I’ve heard. They’ve been torturing our troops for years. I wonder if they’ve been coming home inside of luggage? If the military knows how to beat them, I wish they’d share what they know.

      • Lake Retreat

        Wonder! Has this been reported to the CDC OR WHO. It’s a health concern will become a crisis. Will many have to die first. Sounds like an end of the world pestilence prophecy. PRAY it doesn’t get worse.

    • Buddy

      It sounds like you might have tiny pieces of insulation fiberglass coming through your duct system. There might be a tear in your duct system that is allowing fiberglass pieces to float into your house. These particles are jagged glass and could be very irritating to your skin like bug bites. Get your duct work inspected and masticked if needed.

  4. anon y mous

    I went here with my bf who didn’t think he had bed bugs and was searching for any other possible answer b/c of looking for all the signs of them for months and never finding one. If you think you also don’t have bed bugs — unfortunately, you may have them and are being fooled by myths about them. Some myths that misled us: people think that you will find traces of them like droppings/blood, and people also think that you will get many bites. Both are often not true. You are going to be wondering for a year, getting bites all the while (and possibly spreading the bugs outside your home). I know this from experience of a boyfriend who spent months of online research, put down every type of trap on the market, and never found bed bugs, until about 4 months into it, he did find just one. He couldn’t find any others but continued to get bites – just one or two – every night. He got them taken care of. Don’t be fooled by the myths of how bed bugs are – just get your place examined by a professional company and proceed from there.

  5. Bonbon

    I had a houseplant that I sat outdoors on my deck for a week and when I brought it back inside, it was infested with noseeums. I used everything on the market to trap them or kill them (foggers — you name it!). Exterminators will not come to your home because they say they cannot kill flying insects. I turned my air conditioning down very low to try to freeze them out and it still did not work. This was in April of 2015. They tortured me and bit me all summer long. In the winter, I didn’t see them anymore and I thought they had died, but in April 2016, they were back again, biting me ferociously. I do not have any pets or houseplants and there is no water source for them inside or outside my home. You cannot locate a nest, because you cannot see them. Someone recommended spraying myself with citronella oil mixed with rubbing alcohol and ingesting 4 brewer’s yeast tablets per day. I was leery of this but willing to try anything. It took two weeks for the yeast to get into my system and now I am “bite free”. They do not like the taste of me since I am taking the yeast. I don’t know how this works, but it DOES WORK. I could not believe it — it’s like a miracle! The person who told me to do this says she gives the yeast to her pets too. Hope this post helps someone because I was so grateful someone told me about the yeast pills.

    • Russell

      Wow brewer’s yeast tabs something I have to try I could be in a place the size of Yankee Stadium if there’s one flea in there it’ll find me and yes most of these insects only bite certain people don’t know if it’s blood type or skin or what but I’m one of them I’ll have to Google where I can get these brewer’s yeast tabs and check it out tired of spraying and spraying and spraying……thanks

    • Angie S

      I haven’t found any yeast tablets. Any idea how much yeast powder is in a tablet?

    • Gail H

      What brand of Brewers Yeast and what size of tablets? It looks like brewers yeast helps with quite a few things! If it can take care of mosquitoes and no-see-ums, the plus would also be my diabetes (so I will make sure to check with my doctor about it). I am one of those people that when I go to a picnic all the bugs are attracted to me and leave everyone else alone. When I was young, our family took a trip through the Quetico up in Canada and we did daily black-fly bite counts on me – no one else had them :( This has been a lifelong problem with me – now that I’m 60, it would be really nice if we could find a solution for it :D

  6. Lolly Looter

    I had bites for over a year, my boyfriend thought I started cutting myself because they would not go away. I was so frustrated. I saw three different doctors all three said it was bed bug bites. I followed advice and still no change. I did some of my own detective work and found out it was no see ums. I tried a soap from aveno it’s a baby shampoo called intense cleanse with oatmeal. The oatmeal kills them
    I also used an oatmeal lotion I found at the dollar tree it works as well. I found the oatmeal extract in some Victoria secret lotions too. I also tried a shampoo at the 99 cent store called lice repel . I got rid of them finally.best of luck to you all

  7. Margot Sawyer

    I just came back from tge island of Grenada in the Caribbean where I was riddled by noseeum bites. We tried all tge different repellants and creams, none of which were a deterrent to these pests no helped relieve tge itching. I though after we came home that the welts would cease but I feel that more bites or marks keep emerging and am quite uncomfortable contuing the itching and scratching. How long after leaving island can tge bites keep coming?

    • Able Allen

      I’m no expert, so you may want to consult one, but that sounds like chiggers, or possibly bed bugs — not no-see-ums, the bites of which tend drive people nuts in the moment, but dissipate pretty quickly , in my experience.

    • Gina

      I believe they keep biting! It’s not Chiggers! The things are terrible!
      Everyone is telling their story, but there are NO SOLUTIONS???? Does anyone have a good remedy to getting them out of your yard and off your body!

  8. Ricki S

    The noseeums are back here in full force, not sure that they ever really went away :-) We use natural repellents and have tried many, even made our own out of desperation, but now have found a product created in the Virgin Islands and on sale all over the US, it works great is effective and safe on the kids: https://thesolidbarcompany.com/collections/travel-bug-bars . They’ve got an anti itch cream that works fine for when you forget the repellent or miss a bit, good info. Best of luck to all in keeping those miserable itches away!

  9. Mary

    I live in the woods of upstate NY. My bites were so bad I would wake up in the middle if the night, bleeding from scratching my skin. The Dr. Gave me cortisone pills and cream. the swelling went down and some of the itch. I was convinced I had bed bugs, however when I spent 45 minutes on the phone with terminex, he walked me through it (no charge) I wear a nylon jacket with a hood whenever I go out. One of the best suggestions I got was putting Dawn Dish washing liquid along the ledge closest to the bottom of my screen. You should see what I catch. They gravitate to the bottom of the screen, get suck on the Dawn (dead). I clean the ledges every couple of days, it really works but you have to do every windowsill in your house and remove the gunk when the dead one’s are stuck in there to make room for new one’s. I hope this helps you, it has worked wonders for me.

    • Sophia

      Hi Mary – do you put the Dawn detergent on the outside or inside of the screens? I assume it is outside, but my husband said inside.

  10. Nikki

    Please don’t buy the Avon product. Don’t support a company that does cruel animal testing to make profit. They used to be against animal testing and they reversed this decision so that they can sell to the Asian market that requires it, even though it is more expensive and less reliable. Avon sucks worse than these bugs!

    • Nameless one

      Before you comment

      The comments section is here to provide a platform for civil dialogue on the issues we face together as a local community. Xpress is committed to offering this platform for all voices, but when the tone of the discussion gets nasty or strays off topic, we believe many people choose not to participate. Xpress editors are determined to moderate comments to ensure a constructive interchange is maintained. All comments judged not to be in keeping with the spirit of civil discourse will be removed and repeat violators will be banned. See here for our terms of service. Thank you for being part of this effort to promote respectful discussion.

      • R Ebitz

        Prevention should be the first step before you cause drawing no-see-ums, bees, flies, etc. to share you and your drinks.

        Sprays and stuff work some what, however most bugs are attracted to open drink containers then to your body.

        Odor and smells seems to be the attraction for bothersome bugs, so by having any drink container completely covered helps by not advertising it. Ever run from a Bee or Wasp?

        A solid lid is a great way to reduce attracting things, no straws, no sippy lids. One that I found is made in the USA at Pittsburgh Pa works great, just Google drink container protector and you’ll find a bunch.

        I even use one at work to keep other peoples germs from my coffee mug. The web site is

        • John Muller

          I’m in the middle of an 8 month battle with noseeums. You’re right. I drink a mug of green tea all through the day. I’ve had to resort to boiling the water in the microwave, then quickly opening the door and dropping in the tea bag to steep. Then I quickly remove the teabag, add sweetener, and stir, keeping the micro door closed in between each step and then I give it a spin to kill any that might have gotten inside. Then I fold a pick a a size paper towel and fold it in half to cover the mug, with the lid of a plastic drink ‘glass’ to hold it in place. I wonder if anyone else has gone to that much trouble to keep their drink free of these bugs.

  11. Mrs

    Every night for the last 3 nights I have been getting bit. So freaked out right now. This morning I did a deep clean and low and behold out crawls a no see um with wings, the problem is I’m worried is there more in my bedroom and my leg is on fire feels like their crawling all over my leg, are they? Do they live on us. I can’t sleep I’ve covered my legs and arms in antibiotics and skin so soft and organic bug spray put on socks and pants and tucked my pants into socks any other suggestions?

    • Able Allen

      That doesn’t sound like no-see-ums. I have never encountered them indoors for more than a few moments. They usually just fly around. You may be looking at some other kind of infestation. Bed bugs, perhaps? I hope you find a solution.

      • Michele

        Well I have not gotten bit again thank god but last night I killed a huge black spider, do you think it could be spiders ?

      • Corrina

        No, they move in and stay. I’ve been fighting mine for over one year.

        • Able Allen

          Indoors you say? Are you sure you aren’t dealing with a flea infestation or something like that?

          • Corrina

            These are definitely no see ums. They are flying insects. They are the worst during dawn and dusk. They tend to hang around in the kitchen, bathrooms, and one bedroom. They are never evident in the guest rooms, which are usually not used. They are never in my car.

      • corrina

        They live inside. What we like, they like. Mine have been in my house for over a year. I’ve tried scads of solutions, and haven’t won. There are hundreds of varieties of no see ums, I’ve heard.

        • Al Louis

          Yeah, people are saying they live inside, but the thing is, they have to have a moist area to lay their eggs and have the larvae develop (like wet grass), so unless you have standing water, wet carpets, or very moist-soiled house plants in your home, no-seeums are not “nesting” or breeding in your home, they are coming in from outside. They are attracted to houses because of the carbon dioxide we breathe out while at home, and they can fit through practically ANY crack, any tiny teenee gap around a window or door, and ESPECIALLY through standard window screen material. No matter how much you spray, sprinkle, wipe any repellant or insecticide, you will still have a wholw NEW batch of them in your house every day if there are places they can get in from outside. They do not “nest” in your hair or clothes. They bite you and go on their merry way, which most likely means they find their way back outside to some moist patch of grass to lay eggs. The reason no-seeums seem to be on you or under your skin for days, weeks, or months is because many of us (including me) have long-lasting allergic reactions to their saliva. They take only a moment to bite, then they fly away but their saliva is under your skin. Bottom line: check every window and door for gaps and install fine mesh screens. Do not keep aquariums, tropical houseplants, wet carpets, puddly sinks or tubs in the house. Minimize moist areas around your yard as well— keep grass short, trim trees and bushes to minimize shady “dewey” areas.

          • John Muller

            That’s what one would think from reading about them; however, I’ve had them in my apartment for over 8 months. I thought they would be gone when winter came and surely, there is no place for the female to lay her eggs in my apartment. But they did. Maybe I left a pot of water out, who knows/ But I wipe water from any sink I use and keep the toilet lid closed, but somehow they have reproduced. I’ve kept the windows shut and rarely go outside in the night. That’s how I got them. I use to take long walks at around 3am. That’s the time they’re out. I live very near the coast and there were puddles from recent rain when I think I brought them inside.

      • Taja

        I wish you stop saying bed bugs. It’s no see ums period I’ve been bitten all over in Florida now am I can’t sleep from the pain an itching. You have no idea what you are talking about. You should just stop commenting. I’m so sick of seeing your replies of that same crap. If you haven’t had these issues just hush

      • John Muller

        I have noseeums inside of my apartment. No doubt about what they are. Tiny black specs that attack your lower legs when you shower. But you don’t see their wings, nor do they crawl other than inside your t-shirt at night. Yeah, they get indoors and are difficult to get rid of.

        • Peg

          No see ums lay eggs in your drains, sinks, showers, tubs, toilets etc. Use boiling water every evening then completely cover the drains, do this for two weeks it should get rid of 99% of them. . Also use neem oil on your indoor house plant soil, and always let the soil dry out between watering.

    • corrina

      Calamine spray helps, but it burns wherever you have scratched, or have been bitten. Once it dries, the burning goes away. I wonder what we who are always bitten, have in common. I am an insulin dependent diabetic. I take blood thinners. Does anybody else use these medications? I have only been a bug magnet for the last couple of years. I had a house guest who had traveled from the Middle East about the time the bugs showed up. I’ve heard that our troops serving in the Middle East have been tormented by these nasty bugs, for years. I wonder if the bugs travel inside of luggage?

  12. Rachel M

    I have been using a solid repellent bar that you just rub on dry skin and it seems to be effective against no seeums and mosquitoes. Says it has 12 active ingredients and it smells pretty good too. We use it here in Florida and took it on a cruise in the Caribbean and it worked well there too. You do have to cover all your skin with it and re-apply every few hours but would rather that than DEET any day! Been using it on the kids too and glad to have something natural that stops them getting bit, as my younger one always gets them. Company is called The Solid Bar Company https://thesolidbarcompany.com/ it was free delivery too.

    • Ricki S

      👏 We use these products here in PR – in fact I wouldn’t let any other product near my kids these days – these are totally non-toxic, totally effective, totally eco, totally non chem, totally great……….. – need I say more – oh, and in case I forget – just after Irma passed through here these guys also donated a few thousand of their bars free to help out the distressed folks in their time of need – so they [these guys: https://thesolidbarcompany.com/ ] totally (yes I use that word a lot!) get my vote 👏👏👏

  13. Kitbag

    To get rid of them all, get a coffee grinder, go to grocery store buy FENNEL SEED, it is a food item, wholly safe for pets amd people…
    Ground the fennel into a powder and sprinkle everywhere, it will smell like licourish.
    Feed it to pets and once in blood stream fleas and ticks don’t like taste and will move on and away..
    It is an ingredient in all cake mixes etc..
    Was used by farmers for thousands of years, until the flea companies told them to pay..
    Some barns still have the little yellow flowers growing around the barns, to keep fleas and ticks away..
    All bugs dislike fennel, with the only exception I have found to be Cockroaches.
    Also olive oil will help relieve the bites and itchiness for some folks.
    Gargling olive oil masks the exhale and makes you invisible to those types of bugs, for a short time.
    These are just very old solutions, and they are better than deet.
    Stay Safe

  14. Angee

    So glad I found this page; it just helped to solve a mystery I’ve been struggling to solve. I’ve been getting these huge bites and couldn’t find the culprit, until tonight. I watched as what looked like a mini mosquito land on my arm. I felt none of the usual stinging associated with a mosquito; it seemed to just stand still on my skin. After 5 seconds I whacked it and, sure enough, it had bitten me and eventually a small, itchy bite appeared where it had been standing. I appreciate the links, above, for some more natural remedies for these hungry little things!

  15. Paula Perry

    They love me! No one around me gets bit, but the eat me up. Nothing helps the itching – it drives me insane.

  16. Teresa

    Can you help me solve a problem with Wasp (I believe mud dobbers). I have had hard mud built nest outdoors for many years. I have been able to eliminate all of the outdoor hives. However, now I have wasp in y house everyday it is above 55-60 degrees outdoors. I will have to kill between 10-15 everyday and they don’t like to die- you can smash them, spray them sweep them up and put outside and within a few monemts several will fly away its amazing.. anyway I have no idea how they are getting into the house.. the windows and window seams are solid- triple pane, the doors shut very well, I do not see anyway they can come through the wall. Is it possible they have a hive in the chimney or in my indoor plants.. I have never seen any come out of the fireplace or out of a plant.. I am baffled. I have two dogs in the house when I am not there and I’m very afraid they may get stung. Can you offer any assistance

  17. Gina

    After ready ALL of these posts, I have come to the conclusion there is NOTHING that for sure works other then being one of the lucky people they don’t like to bite! Ugggh! DOES ANYONE HAVE A FOR SURE REMEDY TO STOP THEM? AND HOW TO RID THEM FROM MY YARD! Errrr


    So happy to read all these comments.Eveything bites me.I have been using Repel mosquito wipes .They seemed to stop working.I will definitely try the Brewers Yeast pills and Oatmeal products.I don’t want to keep putting chemicals on my body.I also reccommend using a hair dryer applied very closely to the bites for as long as you can stand it.I read this on another blog a while ago.It does work for about 5 hours.I believe prevention is the way to go.I had a friend who was a farmer and he used to give Brewers Yeast to all his pets.None of them ever had fleas.Anyway good luck to all of you!

  19. Ken Engle

    I don’t think anything stops sand flies. They are horrible! The only thing that has worked for me is Sting911. I buy it on Amazon. It stops the intense itch within a couple minutes.

  20. Monica Guidotti

    We have a second home in Florida and every time we visit, I end up absolutely covered in no-see um bites. I seem to be the only person that gets bitten. For the past couple of months i have a blister-like lump on my finger where I do believe I had gotten a bite. Every day I squeeze out a little bit of sticky oil from it. Has anyone experienced this from a no see um bite?

  21. Stan Merryman

    With the summer heat now in full force in mphs, tn, I think it is these varmints that are attacking me at the end of the afternoon jogs when the sweat is at the peak. Are these things making an surge from the south to the north? Being hit by stings and within seconds I have up to 20 hits in the upper body / neck & face. Currently trying swamp gator spray and following up with paste deodorant / Vicks rub for post sting. Had no idea they laid eggs in your skin!!

  22. Andréa

    We tried dropping the temperature on our AC and the vinegar and soap. Both we’re 100% non effective, but our AC only goes as low as 60 degrees. We caught exactly 1, in the vinegar and soap, he was probably a fruit fly. We did find a few in cups of coffee with Cremona in it. The vinegar with a few drops I’d dish soap is very effective for fruit flies, not for mosquitoes, or not the two species we had in here, for two and a half weeks. Fly paper seemed equally ineffective, maybe a few here and there. So we came up with our own battle plan. I dropped pond insect larvacide pellets into the base of all our window air conditioners from the inside down into the lower pan. We tapped up around the each AC unit with white duck tape. Don’t use strapping tape, that will just loosen up after a few days, but we did trap some in it. You could probably use the removable clear caulking that comes in a tube, I suppose. We used white weather chucking strip in any places we could. We also stuffed the special extra tiny holed no-see-um specific screening netting and into the space between where both windows don’t meet above your AC units, and there is a massive opening the entire length of the window. This part won’t help you if you have poor eye sight, or ceilings above 10’ feet in height, or a textured ceiling. Our’s are 10’ foot and I was able to kill ever ever single one of them within two weeks. Try getting a long extender pole duster with a white sheep skin duster head, on the end. Buy two, you’ll crack at least one, as you master, your hunting stills. You looking for the ones that look like the hair on a plastic troll doll or well groomed yeti. When you feel them bite yor face, dab you shirt with a bit of Skin So Sof, like your making the sign of the cross, which will keep them off you for about 15 minutes, and if your lucky, they’ll go take s break and rest on the ceiling or wall. Walk the area of your room, and inspect the entire ceiling and see if you can spot any. If so, try slowly moving your duster towards them ( don’t create a wind, think cat stalking prey bring it in slowly ) trapping the gnat under the side of duster head or it’s top without lifting it even slightly, then rub it back and forth against the ceiling vigorously. If you are near a wall you can try keeping it trapped and gently slide the duster down the wall without lifting it at all, to a level where you can apply strong pressure with your hand to smush the fur strands around. They don’t die easily so be prepared to quickly inspect the fur and squish them. One quick wack does not kill them, they are just stunned and fly off. You really have to rub them and the duster for a few seconds against the wall. They were biting me nearly all day and night, so I just kept hunting them with a vengeance. We seemed to have two species, a teeny species during the day and a black mushy larger species that were horribly aggressive and just never seemed to tire out , no matter how many times they bit your ears, chin, and neck. So I went nuts trying to locate every single one. After a while you will get the hang of how best to trap them. Blood or a streak on the wall is a good sign. You can paint later. In conjunction with that we did all of the following: We dumped our kitty litter entirely, every other day, and tried to be aware of drying up water splatter in and around sinks and tubs, and leaving damp laundry around. We also bought one of the things that look like a racket ball racket that electrocutes flying insects. When I could not see any on the ceiling, but was still getting bit, or saw two hoping to mate in front of my face I used that. I periodically, would just go around with that swiping at the air both high, low, and inbetween, because I knew if they were not on me, nor on the ceiling, there was the possibility of them being mid air, and maybe I would get one. You can tape the on/ if button on the handle so it stays on with washi tape. I killed a few that way. We did a thorough clean out of the yard, to make sure there were no sand pails, or flower pots where they could breed. We took down our bird houses. I contacted our public works and asked them to take a look at our nearest sewer outlet and they came out, and did something or other that involved vacuuming down there. That helped as well. Additionally, I used q-tips around all bath, sink and faucet caulking to make sure that there were no places that might be harboring liquid, or baby baby no-see-ums. We washed all the tile floors paying close attention to the grout and caulking, with bleach, and took a children’s medication syringe, filled it with bleach and shot that into the tiny hole in each sink that is there to prevent the sink from over flowing. You could probably just pop a larvacide tablet in there, but ask a plumber. I was reluctant. We dumped a larvacide puck thingie into the only standing water area we can’t controle outside. You could use a broom to clear something like that out. All the trash cans were cleaned and tipped over to dry, as well as our kitchen trash can and recycle bin inside. Trash was only taken out during the day, not at dusk or night. I washed all the curtains so they could not hide in the dust, and would be be easier to spot. Keep in mind, we addressed this aggressively, as I didn’t want them getting a foot hold, after reading that some species prefer to breed indoors, where they have everything they need, including trapped pray, water, and a nice place to hibernate. So far we’ve been completely free of them hoovering above our heads for about 8 days. Knock on wood. I would read scholarly articles on their breeding behavior, that helped us in figure out a better plan mosquitos proof for both inside and outside. They like to May close to the blood meal source, lay eggs on verticle surfaces that reach into water, or that are regularly rewet, so that’s we focused on. I would call your water and sewer department, and ask if they can come out, if this is a new thing in your area. It was for us. I also reported it to our local extension school, as they sometimes keep tabs on rises in mosquito populations. I think the males are easier to trap than the females, as they’re just in it, for the live making. The last ones I was killing seemed to be only the size of a period, and looked somewhat like the shape of a humming bird. The wings are so incredibly transparent you really can barely see them, other than the proboscis they jab into you. Prior to the invasion, I found what I thought was a flea, and almost thought, that might be our issue. But only our faces, and necks were bitten, and once, or twice an ankle. Which did not seem like fleas. Then after watching a no-see-um fly down and then Back up to the ceiling, and it was definitely flying, and I grabbed it, it looked exactly like a flea. So spent some time Googling: “Can fleas fly?” and looking at lots of no- see-um pictures, there is one that does in fact, look like a flea when it is flattened. And no, fleas can’t fly. If your only getting bit on your ears, cheeks, jaw and head, and things are trying to fly into your eyes, it’s a no-see-um your battling. So make sure you know what you are trying to kill. I am sure some people have both, but that was not our issue. Had we treated the house for fleas, it would have been a waste of money. So closely examine what your catching on your duster.

  23. jek

    i was bitten up in florida. covered my bites with nail polish and was the ONLY thing that made the itch go away. tea tree oil seemed to help a little as well

  24. Sharon Daniels

    thanks for advice,covering the kitchen drains when not in use,has helped tremendously,have only seen 1 fly around

  25. Barbara Sacco

    Hopefully, I can help some of you – those of you who are dealing with Noseeums. First, do not assume they have only one form – they have multiple forms. The female is the real biter, and she lays her larvae every two days by piercing your skin with her long, pointed “nose” and then injecting a substance that keeps your blood in that location from congealing. Then she lays her larvae in a round, soft shape. Once they hatch, the larvae are small white “flakes” that look almost like the dead skin you scratch off your own body. They do move some, but also continue to feed off the blood where they were hatched. Those larvae grow into small black dots – they look like pepper but are half or less the size, and they can also move. From there, they grow into a bigger dot which can jump, and cover quite a distance, up to several feet. The next step is the winged version, with the males being smaller and darker in color while the female is brownish/creamish – both can jump and fly. She’s also faster than a speeding bullet. So you have several versions of this bug, but they are all the same bug. Some people think they are dealing with multiple, different bugs, but that is not necessarily true.

    They love warm, wet areas, and usually lay their eggs in wet, grassy areas as well as ponds or standing water of any kind. Once they get into your home, they become a nightmare to get rid of. So some suggestions: If you have grassy areas outside your home, spray them every two days with an insect killer made for yards. Walmart has some good stuff called Eliminator Home Defense, in a 1 gal container with a battery powered spray nozzle. If you have a pool or pond or other water area, keep chlorine in it, shock the pool once every three days or so, empty anything with standing water, etc. IE, remove their breeding areas. Cold weather will help, but they aren’t gone, they come back as soon as it warms up. So total eradication is the goal. Keep your gutters cleaned out, that’s another breeding area, and keep trash cans covered or emptied, watering cans emptied, etc. If you don’t have the really fine mesh mosquito screens, keep your windows closed. They swarm in the early morning and around dusk – if you dress in a Hasmat outfit (kidding, but do wear good protection and check the direction of the breeze first) you can use a bug spray on the swarm and kill lots of them quickly with a few swings of the spray can.

    If you have a patio area, use traps – I use shallow plastic food containers about 4″ square, and fill them about 1/3 of the way with a half and half mixture of vinegar and liquid dish soap mixed well. This works because they are attracted to the vinegar, and the soap coats their wings so they can’t fly out and they drown. You can use any kind of vinegar and soap, no special brands needed, just mix them well. I have them around the pool itself, as well as on the patio. If you have tables on the patio, put the container on those, as they seem to find them better. But I also use them on the concrete deck on either side of my two sets of sliding glass doors. If it rains, you will have to empty and refill them. These really do work, but you have to check them every three days, as the vinegar evaporates, leaving the soap to congeal. I use an old fork to remix the new vinegar, and I keep a large bottle of the mixture at hand to refill with, as well. You will also find help with a bug zapper – the electric hanging ones with the blue lights work well and are not expensive, but there are also other newer forms on the market that work, too. Anything designed for mosquitoes will pretty much work for Noseeums, too. There are other products that help, too, like citronella candles, etc, but these vinegar traps have worked best for me. Look into the dish carefully, lots of them are so tiny they are hard to see and you may think you haven’t trapped anything when you really have.

    If you have outside mats at the patio doors, if it has a texture of any kind, they need to be sprayed with bug spray every other day or so. These critters look for protected areas to breed in – so keep areas clean, uncluttered and either free of textured fabrics or sprayed with a bug killer of some kind. If you have outside walls that face a pool or pond, you will need to spray that wall with bug killer, as they will lay their babies on the wall, around windows and doors. Look for tiny, light brown lumps.

    Now the hard part – inside. These bugs, once inside, are invasive to the 100th degree. They manage to crawl into folded sheets and towels, between couch cushions, under furniture, inside window sills, inside lamp shades, into sink and bathtub drains and toilets , into keyboards on computers, into shoes and clothing in closets, and we won’t even talk about bookshelves and cabinets! So, I started with my linens, washing everything with HOT soapy water, drying on high heat, then bagging in plastic bags tightly sealed with tape. Pick out a few that you can use regularly, and button down the rest of it. I have one large sheet over each chair, and one large cover over the couch – that way, the bugs may land on them, but they can’t get down between cushions to breed and I can fold the edges in and trap any bugs while on my way to the washing machine. Don’t leave anything with water in it sitting around or in the kitchen sink – no flowers, no dirty dishes, etc. Keep some bleach in the toilet bowl between flushes, keep all drains stoppered, and check the seals on the fridge/freezer daily, as they like the moisture on those. And yes, I have had some duck into the fridge when I opened it, so noting in the fridge without a closed cover. If you can’t catch the bug, shut the door and let him die, then wipe him up. Keep fruits and veggies, etc, in sealed plastic bags. Check all outside doors to make sure the seals fit well and will keep the bugs out, adding rubber seal strips as needed. And VACUUM! Vac everything! Walls, ceilings, floors, between cushions on chairs/couches, tops of cabinets, inside cabinets, and do it daily. I have a large house, so I vac one half one day, the other half the next day. When the bag is full, put tape over the opening, put the bag in a plastic bag with no holes, close it tightly and take it outside to the trash, don’t put it in an inside trashcan. And in my kitchen, I have two, 4′ florescent light fixtures – one stopped working one day, the other quit the next day. When I took down the long covers, they were filled with bugs, so many that they actually shorted out my bulbs! So now, any light in my house that has a cover that hangs down, has that cover removed until I get this under control. Do still check the lights, as they are drawn to the heat, just don’t give them a place to sun bathe! If you have carpets, find a bug spray that is safe for them and spray regularly – these bugs love any kind of nappy material to lay their babies in. The big thing here is constant – EVERY DAY – cleaning and going after these bugs, taking advantage of the fact that momma bug only lays eggs every two days.

    Pets – I can’t speak for dogs, but I would imagine they would have the same problem my cats have. They love to go out on the pool deck, and it’s screened and the yard is fenced, so it’s safe. But the NSUs love that fur! They burrow down into it and lay their larvae, and I spend hours combing it out. Regular, back-of-the-neck flea meds don’t work on them, but there is an oral product called Capstar that does work, and a pet rescue group on eBay has the generic version of the same med much cheaper, just do a search for Capstar and price shop. It’s usually a once a day pill, but for this, it’s am and pm doses (yes, extra doses are safe!) – and it works, but not as well as I had hoped. So I also use a foam shampoo for cats that is citrus scented and helps ward off the bugs, does not need to be washed off, and is harmless if the cats lick it. Between the two, the cats are more comfortable, they just don’t get as much time outside as they would like. One of them lets me vacuum her, but she rarely goes out, so she’s OK. The two youngsters get cabin fever and want out, especially when the bugs are out en mass, go figure.

    And now – you, and me. First, there are numerous products on the market that you can use to repel these bugs, Deet based products seem to be popular but there are also good non-Deet products. I have not used anything yet, I just put on my astronaut costume and that seems to work. I also choose to do any outside work in the middle of the day, when the bugs are not as active. To calm the bite, first, try not to scratch, as scratching makes it worse. Use Aloe, either a sliced open piece of leaf off a live plant, or from a bottled product. Be sure it’s made from real aloe, not just named aloe. Hydro-cortizone will also help to stop the itch. My first encounter with the biters, I got very badly bitten, and my Dr RXd a product called Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP, 0.1%. It can be used on most any part of the body, soothes the itch and heals the bite nicely, has no odor and is absorbed quickly. Cost was inexpensive. Alcohol will also stop the sting, but brings it’s own sting with it. I use a dandruff shampoo for my hair, as it kills the bugs and seems to soothe the scalp. Keep Visine on hand for clearing your eyes, q-tips for nose and ears. And this last is probably not good advice, but I’ve learned it the hard way. If you run your fingers over your bites and they are raised, it is likely you have just received a delivery from Mom Bug. I found several such on my arm, and used a sharp, small, disinfected blade to open one, and wow, a bundle of Mom Bug joy! I cleaned several others out, let them bleed until the blood began to clot, then wiped with alcohol and put the cream on them. They were all but healed the next morning. So yes, these bugs do lay their eggs on us! I’ve also, just last night, found a couple of strange, rough surface “moles” on one arm, oddly colored grayish brown, that has never been there before now. I’ll see the Dr about them after the new year, but I have a feeling they are also a product of these bugs.

    I hope that helps at least some of you. I haven’t been doing it for very long, but I’ve worked to educate myself, and what I’m doing seems to be working. Guess that’s what counts.

    I’ve heard many more things mentioned that might help, but I’m on a limited budget, and what I have described here works. I’ve been at this for almost a month now, spent a lot of time doing research, and while I was a bit slow to realize how frequently I had to do all of this, now that I know it, I am making progress! The onset of our short winter will help, as well. I wish you all success in de

    • Todd H.


      Thank-you so much for including so many details. So many of the things you’ve pointed out are exactly what I’ve been going through here in Phoenix, AZ. I haven’t seen info about many of the details you have shared.

      I live in an apartment so I don’t have all of the house or pet issues. I rented this apartment a few months ago, a brand new “luxury” apartment. Lots of lush green grass and flowering plants just outside my patio, and it’s about a mile from a seasonal river. Perfect breeding ground.

      I’ve approached my apartment manager back in November about all of the bites and welts I’m getting from some kind of insect. She refuses to even talk to me about my pests and refers me to their pest control company. She also refuses to let me out of my year-round lease. The pest control company they use thinks I’m nuts and after a couple of short visits they insist that I have no pests in my apartment. I told them to get on their hands and knees and they would find some tiny black spots on the floor somewhere. They scowled at me and left without doing any close examination.

      FYI – Amazon has a microscope that will plug into your computer for $39.95 (Plugable USB 2.0 Digital). It works great for me and it’s very easy to use and take pictures. If you get one prepare to get surprised by how the different stages of biting midge development become clear. I’ve sent pictures to the apartment manager and pest company. Even after me giving them pictures from the microscope they still say nothing. I think they realize this could become a really big problem for them because there are more than 200 other units in this complex.

      Purdue University has an excellent article about biting midges that you can find online which talks about what medical professionals need to know. I gave the article to my doctors (primary care and dermatologist). They were ignorant about biting midges but to their credit have researched the things and at least they believe me now. Also, each visit they now document my situation with pictures.

      My greatest resource has turned out to be the University of Arizona’s Agricultural Center for pest control. Turns out that biting midges are pretty common in many parts of Arizona. I think most states have one state university with the same kind of service. They know a lot about biting midges and after examining the specimens I brought them they confirmed that absolutely I am dealing with biting midges. They were a little surprised that the pest company didn’t zero in on biting midges when they first came more than 3 months ago. My apartment is infested with the things now. The apartment management company is forcing me to take legal action to get them to address this situation. I’ll check in with this blog when I see how that goes.

      I am very concerned myself about how things will work out when I move all of my furniture to a new apartment. I can see that I am going to have to do something between the moves to make sure I’m not taking any of these pests with me.

      IF ANYONE KNOWS A SURE FIRE WAY TO KILL THEM ALL (short of burning all of my furniture and other belongings) PLEASE TELL US. I talked with Orkin Pest Control and they said they would not deal with my furniture in the transition because they couldn’t guarantee that they could kill all of them.

      • Lassiter Holmes

        ASPERCREME !!!! SHAVE HEAD AND COVER YOUR BODY, After 10 bites or so they swell up and die. Newborn die instantly. Three days in and a got my first nite of sleep in a month. They want nothing to do with me or my house now.

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