Letter: Schools need to reflect parents’ wishes

Graphic by Lori Deaton

[Regarding “Buncombe Schools Passes New Parents’ Bill of Rights Policies,” Dec. 13, Xpress:]

The ultimate authority in a child’s life is his or her parents. Our schools need to reflect the wishes of those parents. Those parents also have an obligation to be involved with their children and their education.

Today, government overreach in this and many areas in many parts of the country is harmful and contrary to the future of the USA.

— Barry Shoor


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13 thoughts on “Letter: Schools need to reflect parents’ wishes

  1. Paul Wilczynski

    A parent wants religion taught to their kids? Absolutely not.

    Want the government to censor books in the school library? That’s a big nope.

    There are SO many more things a parent should have not choice about. Leave educating to educators.

  2. Nostupid peoples

    I’m just assuming this article will drag all the ignorant degenerates that don’t even have children in the system out of the woodwork to express their stupidity and ignorance! I suggest we have a special education design to help these fruit Loops! And yes, they do need under supervision of an adult with half a brain.

    • Robert

      Remember that many who do not have children do pay property taxes so that the children of others may attend schools that are subsidized by those who do not have children. Many who do not have children are also the godparents of children who attend public schools. I am one of those childless humans who pays taxes and serves as the godfather of a local child.

    • MV

      Sort of hard to grasp your point through the haze of weird grammar…I will say that if you don’t want people without children to provide input, then I’m fairly confident they’d be happy for a return of some tax money they’ve paid to Asheville/Buncombe.

  3. Jason Williams

    Absolutely not! As a parent when you put your child in school you are deputizing a surrogate, the teacher, to be the authority of your child’s education.
    If one doesn’t like what is being taught in a school, send them somewhere else, or teach them yourself. Period.
    Schools should not be forced to bend to the whishes of the parents, except in cases of gross negligence.

  4. Enlightened Enigma

    Make all the parents DEMAND that the NEA and the NCAE teachers’ UNIONS be shut down NOW ! THESE are the EVIL people running your government screwls !!!

  5. Keith

    Which parents, and which wishes? Do grandparents, god parents, special interests, and politicians whose wishes are to destroy public schools get to have their wishes granted? American Carnage indeed.

  6. Shultz!

    Education isn’t necessary indoctrination & our youth are quite clever – they’ll call BS & make up their own minds about things – trust them. The kids are alright, man, and are already heads and shoulders more evolved than we were at their age.

  7. Voirdire

    okay, well let’s cut to the chase. Those advocating for complete parental consent of public school curriculum and the content of acceptable books in the school library are the very same MAGA folks looking to defund the public schools and use those dollars ( ….along with lottery and casino dollars of course) to fund their “charter” -which are essentially private- schools …where the indoctrination is full-on all school day long. And it’s true, our public schools are at this point somewhat less ( ….I’m being generous here) than ideal when it comes to academic rigor and deep subject coverage. They’re pathetic actually in this regard. So, yeah, let the culture wars with the proxy parent consent “issue” play out in our schools… the end result either way is the dumbing down of our future generation(s) …and we’ve are seeing in real time here just how well that plays out.

      • Voirdire

        correction. that should have ended with: …and we are seeing in real time here just how well that plays out. And haha…. I’m more conservative than you and yours [MAGA} in my sleep, lol. Like way way more ;)

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