[Regarding “Ripple Effects: Local Theater Companies Respond to the Loss of UNCA’s Drama Department,” Aug. 7, Xpress:]
The loss of the drama department at UNC Asheville is a genuine loss to the community, one that will be felt throughout the greater Asheville area. As is true with the other cuts, good people are affected, and the university loses depth and character.
But the university was put into an impossible situation, given a requirement to cover multimillion dollar shortfalls in very little time. There were no good options.
Two reactions seem appropriate. First, if you oppose one or more of the cuts, say what cuts you would make in a trade-off. There is not an option to take a pass on the resources required.
Second, take your anger where it belongs — to the state legislature that has bled out education at all levels over the past decade.
North Carolina was once the leading Southeastern state in education and a national leader. No more. UNCA is just one more victim of a legislature hostile to excellence in public education at all levels.
— Bill Clontz
Or… Have all the theater afficionado writers and commenters and associated alumni raise more money to keep their beloved programs afloat. Because, almost unbelievably and counter to argumentative letters posted on this site… Theater is a luxury item and not a necessity.
And if they had 200 revenue paying theater majors instead of 10, the major would not have been canned.