Letter: Use electric vehicles where they shine

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Xpress tells me Asheville’s electric buses are deployed primarily to the airport and Long Shoals Road and were considered for Black Mountain; and as as a moderate on the use of electric vehicles (with some knowledge), I feel that electric vehicles should be kept within cities as much as practical because they are at their best in urban gridlock and upwind of downtown (the W6, W5 or N3 routes?).

Plus, fleet operations, especially city fleets, are best for this because fleet managers can assign fossil vehicles to long-range jobs, unlike personal car owners. Asheville’s hills and love affair with clutch-burning four-way stop signs also help tip the balance toward electrics, but even so, I’m not sure Asheville is quite big or smoggy enough to make them worthwhile here quite yet, as bigger cities should get them first.

The fact that our electricity is part nuclear, while petroleum and home coal stoves aren’t, should also slow us down a great deal on electrification. Space permitting, electric buses in theory are range constrained, but these particular buses don’t seem to be, though this might change as batteries age.

— Alan Ditmore


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One thought on “Letter: Use electric vehicles where they shine

  1. T100

    As a long time conservative I’ve known of Alan for 20 years but never been a major fan of his. But he is on the mark here! I’m retired now but I had about a 6 mile one way commute to work.. my gas powered SUV got very poor mileage in town. The only reason I didn’t consider an EV or a hybrid when working was that I rode an 80 MPG motorcycle to work if it was not raining or below freezing. I also strongly prefer an EV golf cart over gas powered when playing golf :-)

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