I believe we are at a profound time of change. I see masses of cultures, faiths and communities all around the world that are mobilizing to bring international peace, greater climate stability, and economic and racial equity.
Millions of refugees and immigrants are fleeing war-torn, ravaged countries. For me, they are our faces saying, “No more war!” Hope — that their tormented faces will open us to global compassion and actions for peace.
Pope Francis speaks to Congress on behalf of “the cry of the Earth” and the “cry of the poor.” As the pope’s environmental encyclical is widely raising awareness that climate change is a social justice / moral issue, Muslim political leaders from 20 countries have issued an Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change, calling for aggressive climate action to its people. Hope — that masses of faith-based cultures will guide us to a more safe, equitable planet.
Amid this past hottest summer in history, there are some amazing climate-action movements spreading faster than anyone could have imagined. As gasoline prices tank, large institutions are divesting their money away from the richest fossil fuel companies on Earth. Hope —that we can channel some of these funds toward climate solutions, such as wind and solar.
Communities all around the globe are coming together and mobilizing in an organized, coordinated way to fight inequality and climate change at the same time. Four hundred thousand people marched in New York City in the People’s Climate March; four months later, fracking was banned in the state of New York! Huge pipelines in Australia and the Canadian tar sands pipeline were described as “done deals.” Masses of people mobilized, shutting down these fossil fuel bombs along with many coal-fired power plants.
Millions of people are turning their attention to the message of Bernie Sanders for president. The time of revolution has come for the 99 percent standing together for a more equitable, educated and healthy country.
I feel hope that these huge people’s movements are bringing a time of change that is rooted in economic, climate and racial justice for all.
— Sherry Vaughan
In ISRAEL, there are a lot of immigrants.
LOL, I believe in unicorns, and peace, and rock and roll, and if we just ban everything I don’t agree with the world will be a better place. And all that inequality and injustice out there is because of unfairness but not because we’re have an entrenched culture that steals off the taxpayers and believes that things will just keep on humming for ever and ever. And a media that spreads misinformation like the plague and thinks it’s right to do so. Lulz.
The “refugee crisis” in Europe is not a refugee crisis – it’s largely a muslim invasion. If you look hard at the video footage from the news and read on the ground reports, a good 70-80 percent of these “poor migrants” are 20- and 30-something able bodied men. These men are showing outright hostility and violence towards the Europeans offering them help. Rapes and violent attacks are soaring in the countries where these people are pouring into the country. This is not “racist” it is reality and shame on the big media for not telling the truth and shame on the EU governments (except those in Eastern Europe) who are too afraid to be called racists for not putting a stop to this invasion. The future of Europe looks very grim right now and I predict a massive muslim uprising there in the very near future that will end very badly. I’m not going to even both commenting on this climate change nonsense or Bernie – Biden is going to be the Democrat nominee so get used to it. Obama controls the Democrat party, he needs someone he can control to carry out his shameful legacy and Biden is the man. Even if Hillary (or Bernie for that matter) win in the primaries, Obama will see to it that the delegates at the convention nominate Biden. That’s how kingmaker politics work in America.
LOL, the country was never meant to have a political class. And now well into about 130 years of it, we’ve had such smart things imposed as the Fed and a government full of traitors that rule by fiat and allow an invasion of this nation that is putting it’s citizens in poverty lulz. And a media that is dominated by cronies that are as much a threat to liberty as any dictator, communist, or terrorist merely because they have an imperative to keep it going via lies lulz.
Biden ran for President in the ’80’s and had to drop out because he was caught plagiarizing. This is what passes for leadership in the USA LOL and why the nation is in a state of decay to the point of never recovering. And not on an economic basis, but one of character. The culture props up those that lie, cheat, and steal and views those that do no harm to their fellow man as privileged. The real flaw in the USA is that Americans themselves are defective in their heads and their hearts and assume it’s normal lulz.
Lulz – you make a lot of smart comments and I agree with much of it (not so much the comment below).
Here’s the thing: if you really want to help people you might include a few more specifics so they’ll better understand what you’re saying. Like this, “imposed as the Fed”. Readers likely think you mean the Federal Govt rather than the Federal Reserve System, which despite it’s name, is a privately-owned BANK.
Yes, dear readers, the entity that controls our nations’ currency and money supply is privately-owned and is NOT controlled by our Federal Govt. Chew on that a little while. Then do some digging online and you’ll eventually get a decent idea who the owners are. And you will start to think differently about some important things.
“it’s largely a muslim invasion”
I thought everybody knew that.
yes, mooslim invasion of Europe…even Angela Merkel is shocking the world with her actions allowing these people into Germany…she’s as evil as Obongo …
Germans are doing what any modern western nation does LOL. Sexually liberates women, kills off the traditional family and defines sex as a means of recreation instead of reproduction lulz. They need new bodies to keep the machine humming and if natives don’t want to do it, they’ll just import a replacement culture that does LOL. One that won’t assimilate but change things to fit their ideals lulz. No different than here where all the south of borders come to take American dollars yet speak in Spanish to their children.