Every president since John F. Kennedy has been essentially a figurehead, subservient to the interests of the wealthy and the corporate world, especially what President [Dwight D.] Eisenhower called the “military industrial complex.” When an African-American was elected to be our figurehead president, it was a great step forward for this country. When a woman is allowed to be the figurehead president, it will be another great step forward.
Hillary Clinton has made it clear that she will serve and protect the 1 percent, despite the mild rhetoric she was forced to adopt by Bernie Sanders. Be assured, once in office, she will find ways to shepherd through the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to protect the wealth of the big banks, to ensure the dominance of the military economic sector, etc.
Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have an insatiable thirst for power, seem incapable of feeling remorse and are less than honest when it is convenient. If you want to vote for more war and the continued dominance by the wealthy and corporate sectors, you should vote for Clinton or Trump. A vote for either would be a vote thrown away.
But if you want your vote to be based on what you really believe in rather than what you fear, you could write in Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate (https://twitter.com/DrJillStein).
— Rusty Sivils
Stein seems like a very sensible person when it comes to foreign policy.
“Hillary brought us Libya almost singlehandedly,” Stein explained in a Thursday Fox Business interview. She continued: “And she has said that she will lead the charge with a no-fly zone in Syria, and that basically amounts to a declaration of war against Russia, who is there under international law, having been invited by the sitting government. Like it or not, Russia has the sanction of international law to be there. For us to go in and declare a no-fly zone means get ready for war with Russia. Both of us have 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair trigger alert. This is the most dangerous moment— according to the former president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, who, two weeks ago, said this is the most dangerous nuclear moment ever.”
Choose wisely, America.
Yea America, the banana republic! https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2138902/cyber-experts-show-how-easy-it-is-to-hack-into-a-us-voting-machine-with-a-24-memory-card/ This is no surprise to anyone paying attention the last couple of election cycles.
I will vote today for kicks and giggles but have no illusions about the legitimacy of the outcome.
As the token liberal who still posts regularly on these threads, through the hail of rightwing sockpuppets, I am voting for Hillary Clinton. I don’t like her much, but Trump is a disaster wrapped in a s*** sandwich.
I respect Rusty, and I think I know where he’s coming from. But with North Carolina looking more & more like it may play a key role in the electoral map, a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump.
A vote for Clinton is a vote for the continuation of unending war. Or quite possibly as Stein intimated, the last war.
How much is Putin paying you, again?
Too much.
More Stein.:
“This election, we are not only deciding what kind of world we will have, but whether we will have a world or not going forward,” Stein warned, explaining that Clinton’s trigger-happy militarism “is a mushroom cloud waiting to happen.” While Stein adamantly opposes a Trump presidency, she explained that the dangers posed by a Clinton presidency are “arguably even more immediate and intense. Stein blasted Clinton’s “warmongering” that “almost singlehandedly” brought us the turmoil in Libya and could lead us into a nuclear war if Clinton were elected president.”
Jill Stein has absolutely no qualifications to be president. None.
The Green party used to be a voice for environmentalism, now it is just a promoter of crazy conspiracy theories, and oh yeah — Stein chose a running mate considers Bernie Sanders to be a racist.
Stein voters are little more than privileged dilettantes who will be fine in a Trump administration and thus have a luxury of a protest vote, while the most vulnerable will be lucky to survive the nightmare of those 4 years. But go ahead, Don Quixote, indulge your self absorption and give the rest of the world your middle finger.
How about local Green supporters put their time and energy into local contests? Yes, there are ballot-access issues, but actual Green politics start from the bottom, not from vanity campaigns.
Do you want better than one who advocates single-payer healthcare, shutting down our wars overseas, closing unnecessary military bases and using the money at home?
Children should be terrified that Hitlery will bring in millions of unvetted dangerous refugees and force them to various cities around the country…the media will not cover all the savage attacks on individuals by refugees in Europe – which the left thinks is what we need here. Dangerous people the ‘progressives’. Even Coretta Scott King wanted borders enforced for she knew her people would suffer the worst first. Do NOT vote for THE MOST EVIL female on the PLANET!
If Jill Stein held classical liberal political values of individual rights, private property, limited government, an unhampered market economy, the objective rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the speech, and international peace based on free trade, I would DEFINITELY vote for her.
How’s the vote going in Texas?
Most likely, quite well. Odd change of subject, hmmm?
Yes, North Carolina Vote Green Vote Stein. For Peace.
Gosh, how surprising that Trump supporters want liberals to vote for Jill Stein. Go figure…
There’s still a half day of voting left. I sense the tide turning already.