This note is in reference to Michael Ivey’s letter “Carbon Dioxide Does Not Cause Global Warming” [Dec. 25 Xpress]. Mr. Ivey states, “Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits that there has been no warming over the last 16 years.”
Please see the excerpt below, from the report “Climate Change 2013: The physical science basis working group 1 contribution to the IPCC fifth assessment report.” The IPCC is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that was mentioned. I thought people might want to see the actual data.
Fig. SPM. 1a, Anomaly (C) relative to 1961-1990:
“Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850. In the Northern Hemisphere, 1983-2012 was likely the warmest 30-year period of the last 1400 years (medium confidence).”
— Tom Gallo
1400 years is not much more impressive than 30 years in geologic time and the fact is the IPCC gave us predictions based on models that are not panning out. The IPCC has in fact admitted they are concerned about this.
This is an extremely limited view of the history of climate change on earth. There are graphs going back millions of years showing much hotter and much colder temperatures and wide fluctuation s througout time. The point is that the temperature has not been increasing for the last 15 years despite the models, so are really drastic changes required and will it be any use? I’m not convinced we should take drastic action or even if we can. The US has reduced greenhouse emmisions but we can’t force China (for example) to go along. If the climate alarmists are so right, why have they made so many ridiculous predictions that looking back for the last 30 years makes it natural that people (and other countries) would be skeptical. At least they should have been and from now on be more “temperate” in their predictions.
15 years does not even register on the age of the planet.
Yes, there have been hotter and colder periods. So what? They occurred before there were humanoids to be wiped out by the changes. Drastic action? Just what would that be exactly?
Deniers are not going to admit they are mistaken/misinformed. Ever. Even as they cook on the overheated planet.
Currently, we are having terrific snow storms while on the other side of the planet Russia and the rest of the land mass is red hot and Australia burns in hottest ever temperatures. Maybe when the fires start in WNC some people will get a clue.