A little less than two months ago I migrated to Asheville from New York City, as many did before me. I came for the spiritual vibe, to surround myself with positive people and take in the beauty of the Appalachians.
Relaxed and eased into this welcomed community from day one, I am now starting to tense up a bit as I pull out of my driveway. Now maybe it's because there are folks from all around this great country who have settled here and perhaps brought with them the driving habits from which they came. Or simply folks are in a hurry. Well, I'm here today to plead with you to slow down (see, I'm not your stereotypical New York driver). For the most part, you're scaring some of us.
Driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I prefer the far-right lane so that those who choose to demonize the parkway can do so far away from me. However, again, I ask you, when you're on the parkway/highway, to just slow down. Take a look at the beautiful mountains and nature around you and get in tune.
You can still get to where you are going at 55 mph. On Merrimon Avenue: same thing, people — 35 mph, go slow, be mindful of other cars around you and stay safe.
You have a responsibility in this world to be mindful of others, and that includes on the road. Tune in so you won't be the cause of tuning someone else out for good. Please. And thank you.
— Saundra Louise Penn
Good on you Saundra for being mindful while you drive. I for one am thrilled to read that you PREFER the far-right lane on the Blue Ridge Parkway. On a two lane road that is the best choice.
Don’t waste your breath…. there’s a reason that the southeast has vehicular death rates 3 to 6 times the national average.* Not sure what it is, but I’ll let you make your own deductions….