In August 2011, Congregation Beth HaTephila undertook what was supposed to be a small addition to their building, in our quiet North Asheville neighborhood. It's become a nightmare of massive construction, huge trucks, earth-moving machines and yelling construction workers for 10 hours a day, with no regard to the fact that they live in very close quarters with residential homes. They start at 7 or 8 a.m., and usually don't end till it gets dark. It has made our lives a living hell.
Broad Street is torn up and almost un-drivable, with cracks and potholes from one end to the other. Trucks block our driveways, idle in reverse for hours on end, and earth movers vibrate pictures off of our walls. We've suffered through the dirt, dust, noise and cracking walls daily, while temple officials make absolutely no effort to alleviate the problems that they have caused. When we contacted them, we were blown off with what could be called their “Hey, suck it up" defense. Why should the neighbors be forced to bear the hardships, when they offered us nothing in return? It is patently unfair that we are forced without recourse to endure this disruption to our lives.
— Laura Evans
This lady is so wrong the Temple has been nothing but the best people i have work with even and i have done many job for relious organization and most were unpleasant. I know construction is loud and dirty but progress has to be made for going communites. This my freinds is reality for the entire country. If it was’nt for contruction there would be no roof over you head,nor would you have a place to call home. Beth Ha Tephila is a home to a lot of young and old people who dont deserve anyone making sinde comments or remark.