I'm writing to the police officer who was at the Occupy Asheville gathering on May 26. Shortly before 2 p.m. that day, you stopped a friend of mine for bringing his dog into Pritchard Park without a leash. A stern warning or a fine (the most he ever would have deserved) would have been fair enough. Instead, you gave him a mandatory court date, barred him from the park and threatened to have him permanently banned from re-entering there.
You know who you are, and many others do too, because your face and high-handed act were both quite visible at the gathering that day. Your attempt to intimidate my friend and others connected to the Occupy movement will quickly make you a public figure whether you like it or not, at least until you unconditionally, permanently retract all charges against my friend. Until then, everyone in Asheville is strongly encouraged to treat you and every cop in town with the utmost distrust. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
— John Markham
That’s the way this tourist town works: If you dissent and start working towareds stronger community and respect of our First Amendment Rights (or if you’re houseless) you’ll see the police right there to act in the interested of the wealthy elite in Asheville.