I am writing to express my concern regarding the vacant lot across from the Basilica of St. Lawrence. For the life of me I can't understand why the city doesn’t sell the lot to the church. The last thing we need is another hotel/motel in the downtown district. It is so crowded now that I hardly go downtown anymore and this would be one more reason to stay away. The lot would make a great place for a park and it would connect the church and the Grove Arcade area.
It would be a great place for people to stop and relax for a few minutes as they enjoy our town. It seems that money is the deciding factor in everything that is done nowadays. Please let the people decide the fate of the lot. “Let us, the people, decide.”
— Carolyn R. Williams
So, downtown is too crowded so we don’t “need” anymore buildings. I wonder how large city downtowns ever got developed?