Cuff me, I’m a Democrat

Since when has it become a crime to be and say you are a Democrat? I'm fed up with being treated as if I should hide the fact that I am a Democrat and that I support the issues important to my political party. Democrats are citizens [who] respect belief in all religions — or no religion — and belief in family. We fight for our country; we support women's rights; we support a commitment to help those having less, whether financially, health-wise, or the ability to "compete" in our society. We want health care to be available for all people in this great country. We believe in equality of being and opportunity for all. We believe that we all have an obligation to each other and must not do anything that would inhibit helping others in need.

Hate is neither a family nor political value for me. I believe in honest, open debate and welcome it. Let's stop with the name-calling, hatred and ignorance. I am a Democrat with no apology, and no need for any apology. Oh!  And I'm a liberal Democrat.

— Patricia Wald


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4 thoughts on “Cuff me, I’m a Democrat

  1. reasonable

    Patricia, if you truly feel threatened to admit you’re a Democrat in this town then you folks are in trouble. Good Lord!

  2. Taxed Enuf Already

    Nobody wants to admit they voted for Obama. He promised to end the wars. Instead he has increased our troops. He spent his time ramming through a healthcare bill no one likes instead of putting his attention on the economy. To quote Carville, Clinton’s campaign chief, “it’s the economy stupid”. We are all hurting here and around the country. MX has even had to tighten it’s belt while it’s advertisers have a hard time making it. Anyone driving around with an Obama bumber sticker is not paying attention. I keep it really quiet that I voted for him.

  3. dhalgren999

    Well, I am proud I voted for him. He was and is the best we have at the moment. I just wish the Dems would grow some testicles and shut these hillbilly teabaggers down. Why is it that the repubs are so much better at getting out the hillbilly vote? And why didn’t the Dems keep their foot on the neck of those republican crooks when they kicked that butt in ’08? They let them crawl away and live to fight another day. Should have put them out of their misery when they had the chance. How can a political movement that failed so miserably (Bush & pals) claw their way back into power so soon?

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