I received a call from Asheville GreenWorks today, informing me that the Adopt-a-Street signs for the WNC Atheists, which are posted on both ends of North Lexington Avenue, had been vandalized and would need to be replaced. I was also informed that Asheville GreenWorks had received threatening phone calls demanding that the signs be taken down.
I was not surprised by this news, nor were any other members of our atheist street-cleaning crew. It is simply a matter of fact that, in the United States, pro-atheist outreach efforts are commonly met with this sort of response.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask the vandals: what were you hoping to accomplish? What does it say about your belief system that atheists are picking up litter while you deface city property?
The folks at Asheville GreenWorks spend a tremendous amount of time and effort to keep our city looking beautiful. New signs are already being printed. All you have done is waste the time and money of an organization that is trying to better our city.
I wish to extend an invitation to the vandals and to those making the threatening phone calls: if you truly believe that your worldview is superior, then prove it. There is no shortage of streets in Asheville that need litter control. Call Asheville GreenWorks and adopt a street of your own. Show us all that your convictions are so strong, and your constituents so dedicated, that you can keep a cleaner street than a ragtag bunch of atheists.
You’ll get your own signs, and we promise not to hurt them.
— James Childress
Just imagine if the religionists had power in government. They wouldn’t need vandalism to suppress free speech.
Very nice letter. Hopefully, your thoughtful inquiry will resonate in these vandals minds – if not now, perhaps in the future. Self-righteousnesis and ignorance are formidable forces … or maybe the vandals were just kids pushing the limits of order … In any case, keep up the good work that your organization promotes.