Cecil Bothwell is running for U.S. Congress in Western Northern Carolina. He is looking to unseat the conservative pro-corporate Blue Dog Democrat Heath Shuler in the next Democratic Party primary to be held on May 8, 2012. This is a rare opportunity for the people of Western North Carolina to elect an honest and forward-thinking progressive who is not beholding to the corrupt influence of corporations over politicians.
Bothwell represents those of us in this country that are not satisfied with the status quo and believe that our government has a moral obligation to serve its people first, and not the financial desires of the few and powerful. Shuler represents the opposite philosophy. I strongly urge everyone truly concerned with the deep problems facing our children in the very near future to put some action behind their words and complaints and get involved in Cecil's campaign. Think bold. Vote bold. Act bold.
— Stack Kenny
I support Cecil—to love the United states of America and stand up for Constitutional principles such as individual responsibility, limited government and fiscal responsibility.