Icing on the presidential cake

Walter Plaue’s letter [stated] that he was disappointed because he heard three Afro-Americans say they were voting for Sen. Obama because he was black [“A Closer Look at the Political ‘Race,’” Oct. 15]. He must not hear his own race. Racists have called Sen. Obama vile names, [and] millions of them will not vote for him just because he is black. They would rather see a tired old man and a silly woman become leaders of this great country instead of a well-qualified young man who, if given the chance, will be a great leader.

Sen. Obama has all the qualities that we need to bring our country back from where Bush and his cronies, including McCain, have gotten us. Palin has no ability whatsoever to be a leader. Yes, I know she is governor of Alaska. They certainly must have been in the dark when they voted for her—no pun intended.

While I am voting for Sen. Obama because he is the better candidate, his being black just is icing on the cake. Another thing: We have been denied our God-given rights just because we are black, and are still being denied our rights. So while I am not voting for Sen. Obama just because he is black, when those blacks vote for him just because he is black, I say, “Go for it!” He has qualities beyond his color, and I am sure those voters are aware of them. Why can’t one vote for him just because he is black? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

— Majorie Beard


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One thought on “Icing on the presidential cake

  1. vrede

    There’s a big difference between blacks and whites that always vote Democratic appreciating the opportunity to vote for a black and whites that might vote Democratic not doing so because the candidate is black.

    The latter are racist, the former are not.

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