Keever: forward-thinking, fair minded

While presidential election years see the highest voter participation, midterms deserve our attention and thoughtful diligence as well. Though I do not live in N.C. House District 115, Patsy Keever has my full support, and I encourage the voters in this district to choose her to represent them.

Patsy Keever's ideas and positions are forward-thinking, fair-minded and service-oriented. She has integrity, compassion and strength, all of which are essential in our diverse community as well as vital to successful work as an elected official. Her years of life and service in our community are evidence of her dedication and also make it easy for her to know what legislation to support or sponsor.

Finally, I trust that working in Raleigh on our behalf will not change her in a negative way, as happens to many officials when they enter public life. Patsy's past political experience has neither corrupted nor jaded her, but, in fact, gives her valuable insights that will help her be an effective representative for the people of our community.

Citizens of District 115: Do your research, learn more about the candidates, then get out and vote for Patsy Keever. She will make you proud.

— Shonnie Lavender


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2 thoughts on “Keever: forward-thinking, fair minded

  1. zulu

    Patsy is a nice lady, but you have to take more than good intentions to Raleigh if you expect to be effective. Keever strikes me as a lightweight, content to bandy around slogans and catch phrases rather than offer concrete proposals (other than that statewide mandatory ninth-grade course she keeps talking about…) or demonstrate a basic understanding of how bills move through the state legislature. (She and her staff displayed woeful and laughable ignorance of the legislative process during the Black Mountain debate.)

    Bruce Goforth has my vote.

  2. Sam Pierce

    I will take Keever over Goforth if for no other reason than her track record is to support and represent those who elected her. Goforth has an unsavory habit of backing only issues that benefit himself in some way- either with alliances that add to his power base or with statutes and causes that support the development industry with which he makes a living. It is time to break that sort of stranglehold and get someone in who will listen to her constituents. Keever does not have a ” woeful and laughable ignorance of the legislative process” as ZULU has claimed. She is a seasoned representative. That interpretation has been applied by none other than Goforth. I, too, was at those debates. she makes better sense and has a far more moral position that Goforth. KEEVER has my vote.

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