This is America!

As many of you have probably heard, there has been a call for America to produce all of its electricity from renewable sources and to do this in 10 years. This would create jobs, jumpstart our economy and ensure our children and their children a healthy and stable planet.

Some have said that this cannot be done. I’m startled by their lack of patriotism. This is America. We are the greatest nation on this planet. We have the smartest people and the most financial resources. We can do anything we put our minds to.

We have a responsibility to ourselves, the generations that follow and the rest of the world to be true leaders in stopping global climate change. To do this, we do not need to lower our standard of living. We also do not need to invent any new technologies. All we need to do is stand up and tell our government that we want to stop burning coal: Instead of using this over-100-year-old method, we want to rely on newer, cleaner technologies. Between using our energy more efficiently and creating the rest with wind and solar thermal, we would guarantee our success.

So what do you say? Shall we prove to the world that America is still the greatest nation on Earth?

— David Braverman


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One thought on “This is America!

  1. nuvue

    Bravo David,
    Good call to action. I can’t believe we didn’t do this 10-20 yrs. ago…Southwestern tech used to have a great alt. energy program….what happened to it??UNCA? There is one ongoing at ASU and I encourage anybody to go check it out. It is the pathway to more american jobs and to get out heads out of the (middle eastern) sand.

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