The co-founders of Winter Green are grateful to the volunteers who made our recent Open Hoop House event a big success. Thank you Linda Patterson, Roberta Greenspan, Sherry Vaughan, Jan Moran, Michael Torres and Karen Vizzina. We also want to thank Farm and Sparrow Bread, and Round Mountain Creamery for donating bread and goat cheese for our raffle baskets.
We were happy to demonstrate the effective efforts of our staff, who nurtured our winter greens in a hoop house and low tunnels designed by our site manager, Mike Adams. Thanks to Mike and grower Sherrell Cuthbertson, guests saw firsthand the benefits of winter growing. Our plants are huge and harvestable at a time when most plants are just beginning their spring journey. These plants wintered in an unheated greenhouse or outside in low tunnels, covered with plastic.
As an educational organization, we are pleased to demonstrate winter's now evident abundance. We want you to know that you can do this too. You can have delicious green vegetables in winter. We will soon offer classes in winter growing, hoop-house building and more.
None of this would be possible without the dedication of our staff and volunteers.
— Pat Hinkley and Joan Engelhardt
How can I find out more about constructing hoop houses and growing veggies the Winter Green way?