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The liberals of the 60-70s would laugh at and excoriate today’s progressives., who, among other things, blithely turn their gaze away from US wars waged against other peoples, and instead champion virtue signaling and symbolic gestures to feel relevant and part of the hip-ocracy.
Those guys aren’t liberals or progressives, Snowflake.
Those guys are the millennial result of greedy, self centered and self indulged 1980’s parents reproducing under
Reagan’s watch while high on coke, courtesy of the CIA. Their parents probably ‘did it’ to Phil Collins.
The apple don’t fall too far from the tree.
the cartoon illustrates what the government screwls have done to the population, so that no one really knows much about any of the candidates or issues. many people are no where NEAR qualified to vote and it shows.
Just repeal the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments, eh, Fred Caudle? Oh, for the days when only adult white male property owners could vote…
not at all, but we should require testing to vote, and those on government handouts should not be voting.
we should require testing to vote
Nice try, Fisher Caudle. But as a nation, we already went through that exercise, and so we know what your real intention is:
Between the 1890s to the 1960s, many state governments in the Southern United States administered literacy tests to prospective voters purportedly to test their literacy in order to vote. In practice, these tests were intended to disenfranchise racial minorities.
those on government handouts should not be voting
You mean the corporate owners in all those industries that depend on massive goverment subsidies, like oil, nuclear, defense, etc? Hey, you might be onto something, Fisher Caudle.
I love the way you like to type my name so frequently. Why does that stimulate you?
As always, Mr. Brown proves himself the most qualified and competent member of the Mtn X staff.
And as usual, his cartoons strip away the onion layers of certain WNC residents’ beliefs.
If by ‘testing’ you mean giving all 18+ yr olds the same test that foreigners take before becoming a naturalized citizen, hell yeah, bring that test on.
Most righty wacko loons couldn’t tell you how a bill becomes a law or name the three branches of gub’ment anyway. The 2nd Amendment, however, I’m sure they’re all experts on.
If by testing people to vote you mean vetting them according any political, religious (or non religious) beliefs or requiring land ownership, nope.
If by gub’ment handouts, I’m not for that unless you mean Social Security or any VA benefits too.
Same with corporate welfare. Those guys shouldn’t vote either, though their $ apparently does the job well enough.
Neither should any member of a church that doesn’t pay taxes, which are all American churches.
The same goes for sockpuppets.