Folkmoot celebrates German traditions and Irish luck. Also: Acornucopia Project hosts tasting event; Asheville Wing War returns; Sushi gets served at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall; and more.

Folkmoot celebrates German traditions and Irish luck. Also: Acornucopia Project hosts tasting event; Asheville Wing War returns; Sushi gets served at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall; and more.
Whether cultivated or wild, American persimmons are plentiful this time of year in WNC.
A network of local chefs, bakers and food artisans is working with the regional collective to develop innovative culinary uses for WNC’s native tree nuts.
Ten Thousand Villages celebrates 25 years in WNC. Also: Villager’s throws a Acornucopia Project’s tasting party, Homegrown Babies hosts the 8th annual Sweet Potato Cooking Contest, U.S. Cellular Center announces a new menu and UNC Asheville achieves Green Restaurant status.
Long overlooked as a source of nutrition, acorns are nutritious, plentiful and free for the taking.