In a piece originally titled “Remembering Max and Rosie’s,” Katie Herzog, social editor at Grist, takes a look back at Asheville’s changing cultural landscape over the last 10-ish years. The commentary, originally written for Charlotte’s NPR station in October, shows both Herzog’s nostalgia of Asheville’s “weirdo” population from a different time and her sadness that it has evolved […]
Tag: AVLArts
Showing 1-12 of 12 results
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Luzius Stone
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Luzius Stone perform “Past Life.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Tina and Her Pony (Round Two)
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Tina Collins and Quetzel Jordan of Tina and Her Pony perform “Sweet Love.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Hank West and the Smokin’ Hots
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Hank West and the Smokin’ Hots perform “Sky Elevator Machine.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Underground Unheard
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Bobby White and BIGhands of Underground Unheard stopped by to freestyle in Sherwood’s.
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Tina and Her Pony
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Tina Collins and Quetzel Jordan of Tina and Her Pony perform “Telluride.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: The Moon and You
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week The Moon and You (and some friends too) perform “The Bottom of the Road.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Camp David (Round Two)
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Steven Brett and Rebecca Finley-Smith of Camp David perform “Into the Sea.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Albert Adams
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Albert Adams brings you “Critters Never Die.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Holy Holy Vine
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Flora Checknoff, Michael Flanagan and Erica Schinasi from Holy Holy Vine perform “Board Paste.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Camp David
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. This week Steven Brett and Rebecca Finley-Smith of Camp David perform “Old Strings.”
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music Present: Elijah Wyman of Decent Lovers
Mountain Xpress and Sherwood’s Music are partnering to showcase local musicians through a series of stripped-down performances for the web. To kick off our series, Elijah Wyman of Decent Lovers performed “SHOOT THEM. EAT THEM,” a yet-to-be-released track.